Category: Daily Promises


“Blessed be the Lord, my Rock, Who trains my hands for battle, my fingers for war.” –Psalm 144:1 Satan wants to keep Christians on the sidelines, to have Christians sit out the spiritual war. Thus, he can readily plunder much property from the Kingdom of God, end millions of lives in surgical and chemical abortions, ruin families and institutions, and gridlock nations without being opposed. If Satan can’t keep Christians on the sidelines, then he’ll try to ensure that Christians keep playing defense. He does this by attacking and accusing (see Rv 12:10). To lure Christians into taking their eyes...


“There are six days for working. Come on those days to be cured, not on the sabbath.” –Luke 13:14 There is often an excuse for not being healed. The chief of the synagogue said it was the wrong day for Jesus to release the stooped woman from her shackles (Lk 13:14, 16). The real reason was that the religious leaders were jealous of Jesus (Mt 27:18). We may say the place, person, or method is not right for healing, but perhaps we are just making excuses to mask fear, unforgiveness, pride, or sin. Many people refuse to go to a...


“The prayer of the lowly pierces the clouds.” –Sirach 35:17 Are you in a fog? Is your mind cloudy and confused? Do you feel as if there’s heavy cloud-cover when you pray? Even if you are praying in the clouds, you can pierce the clouds, come out of the fog, and come into the light when you: serve God (Sir 35:16). Rejoice to be a slave of Jesus (Col 3:24) — to do His will, not yours. serve God willingly (Sir 35:16). Go beyond Sunday obligation and a minimalist, mediocre Christianity. “Everyone must give according to what he has inwardly...


“Perhaps it will bear fruit. If not, it shall be cut down.” –Luke 13:9 Jesus said that we either bear fruit or get cut down. We either lead people to Christ or come to a tragic end (see Lk 13:3, 5). Why is Jesus so strict with us? It is because He loves people so much, because people desperately need to hear the message of salvation, and because the Lord has decided to work through us in leading people to Him. Since we have the words which can lead people to eternal life, we have an awesome responsibility to speak...


“I plead with you, then as a prisoner for the Lord.” –Ephesians 4:1 How much do you love Jesus? How much suffering would you endure for His sake? Would you be willing to die for Him? Would you be a prisoner for the Lord? God’s Word tells us to expect persecution (2 Tm 3:12). It’s not uncommon for Christians to be arrested. A good portion of the New Testament was written in prison. Many believers throughout the world are suffering imprisonment at this moment for the sake of the Gospel. The world may look down on prisoners, but Jesus says:...