Category: Daily Promises


“They did not grasp that He was speaking to them of the Father.” —John 8:27 Here’s a quick quiz from the Gospels of last week’s Masses. Who is Jesus talking about? Today: “I only tell the world what I have heard from Him, the Truthful One Who sent me” (Jn 8:26). Yesterday: “You know neither Me nor My ______. If you knew Me, you would know My ______ too” (Jn 8:19). Friday: “I was sent by One Who has the right to send, and Him you do not know. I know Him, because it is from Him I come: He...


“They did not grasp that He was speaking to them of the Father.” —John 8:27 Here’s a quick quiz from the Gospels of last week’s Masses. Who is Jesus talking about? Today: “I only tell the world what I have heard from Him, the Truthful One Who sent me” (Jn 8:26). Yesterday: “You know neither Me nor My ______. If you knew Me, you would know My ______ too” (Jn 8:19). Friday: “I was sent by One Who has the right to send, and Him you do not know. I know Him, because it is from Him I come: He...


“The assembly believed them, since they were elders and judges of the people, and they condemned her to death.” —Daniel 13:41 We spend our time judging adulteresses rather than fighting adultery and the demons behind it. Our battle is not against human forces but against the principalities and powers, the legions of demons (Eph 6:12). Like Jesus, we should hold our ground against the evil one (Jn 8:6). “Resist the devil and he will take flight” (Jas 4:7). The first battlefield on which we attack the evil one is our own hearts. We must fight the Pharisee within us (Jn...


“I am the Resurrection and the Life: whoever believes in Me, though he should die, will come to life; and whoever is alive and believes in Me will never die.” —John 11:25-26 How strong is your faith that the Holy Spirit will raise your body from the dead on the last day? (Rm 8:11) Do you believe your spirit will be raised at your death to meet the Lord? Do you believe Jesus still raises people from the dead, as He raised Lazarus from the dead? (Jn 11:44; Mt 10:8) Do you believe Jesus’ Resurrection can transform your life now?...


“With revilement and torture let us put Him to the test that we may have proof of His gentleness and try His patience. Let us condemn Him to a shameful death.” —Wisdom 2:19-20 “At this they tried to seize Him, but no one laid a finger on Him because His hour had not yet come.” —John 7:30 Jesus suffered for love of us not only during His long hours on the cross but also in His three years of public ministry. Even early in Jesus’ ministry, there were attempts to kill Him (see Lk 4:29-30). This continued throughout His ministry...