Category: Prayer Intention

Today, we pray for the mentally ill

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You our brothers and sisters who are mentally unstable. Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name we pray that they will be delivered and saved from destruction. Let schizophrenia, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, fear, psychosis, neurosis, depression and all kinds of mental illness be routed from our families and communities. Let these people never harm themselves or others. Let them be set free from all emotional bondages, forever. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Today, we pray for animals

Lord Jesus, on this day we pray for animals, birds and other living creatures that You created to give us pleasure. We pray that these are protected and not abused. Forgive us Lord for the way we have hurt the living things around the world. A special prayer for our pets, who bring us great joy. May us human beings learn to respect and love life – any creature that You created. Amen.

Today, we pray for childless couples

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You all Your children who are longing to hold a baby in their arms. Lord, we pray for mercy. We pray for the grace to trust You and for strength, if the wait has been long. May all marriage beds be kept holy. Forgive all sins couples have committed against their spirit, soul and body and bless them with offsprings. We pray that more and more childless men and women will be open to giving orphans a home. May their cries for an heir be heard, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Today, we pray for those from other faiths

Lord Jesus, we pray for everyone who is not a Christian – our brothers and sisters who are walking the journey of life beside us, loving us or helping us, but not knowing You. We pray the Holy Spirit’s love saturates us so much that they see You in us. May we become Your voice, touch and hands to them. Help us to live – sincerely and even unto death, like You did. Let the man-made walls of religion come down. May nothing that the devil plants, separate us all. A special prayers for Christians who live in disagreement and...

Today, we pray for our protection

Lord Jesus, today we pray for protection – from evil, strife, bad habits and any vile attacks of Satan. Lord, we want to live glorifying Your name. Sometimes, we build up shackles which destroy instead of keeping us happy or safe. Protect us from evil in a very special way, Lord Jesus. Send Your angels to stand guard over us and our own. More than anything, keep us away from anything that cocoons us away from loving You and loving our brethren. Amen.