Category: Prayer Intention

Today, we pray for the hungry

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You those among us who are hungering for a square meal. Lord, do not judge our cruel world where the wealthy are enjoying the best of luxuries while millions are starving. We also surrender our hunger for love, care and fellowship. We especially submit the vulnerable – the old, the children and the lonely, who do not have anyone to offer them anything and have to fend for themselves daily. May those who hunger be filled, by You and by Your creations who live Your love. Amen.

Today, we pray for the elderly

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You the oldest members of our families and society. We pray that Your presence comforts them in their loneliness. Keep them focused on You, rather than on their aches and anxieties. We pray specially for those who are sick. Watch over our parents and grandparents, Oh Jesus. May they have angels for their aid whenever they are alone. Amen.

Today, we pray over our unanswered prayers

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You our unanswered prayers, our broken dreams. Lord, many times, our faith has been and still is challenged by the silence from heaven. Some of us have asked and been waiting for too long or gotten no for an answer. Those moments when prayers over our dreams, death, illnesses, relationships, people problems, crisis situations, jobs, our children, marriage, finances or any calamities – have been scary because of Your silence – we now declare You the only authority and the Final Word over them. Let Thy will be done and only Thine, forever and...

Today, we pray for workers

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You those among us who work for a living. The ones who hold jobs in all walks of life – men and women, old and young, rich and poor. We pray that all of us give hundred percent to our jobs and treat them as an opportunity to bring people close to You. May we glorify You, sweet Jesus, through our jobs and the work we do – at home and outside. Bless our chosen careers with Your anointing. Amen.

Today, we pray for our friends

Lord Jesus, today we thank You for the angels we call our friends. Bless, sanctify, heal and strengthen our friendships. We praise You and glorify You for their love and support – the friend in school, the one who shared secrets in college, the colleague who always lend an ear and the stranger who became the most integral part of our lives. May they never see distress, but always be Your witnesses of love, peace and joy. Bless all our friends, Lord. Amen.