Category: Prayer Intention

Today, we pray for our enemies

Lord Jesus, You taught us a valuable lesson about loving those who hate us. We now pray for each person whom we have harmed and who has harmed us in any way. Sweet Jesus, let Your healing and love flow. Let peace be established. May Your children stop hurting each other through their thoughts, words and deeds. Bless each one of our enemies mightily today. Amen.

Today, we pray for persecuted Christians

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You our brothers and sisters who are being tortured for their faith in You. Lord, let Your mercy and healing flow – into the prosecuted and the prosecutors. May the ones who harm us, know that to know You, is to love, serve and speak about You. May Your name be glorified and spread across the world every second. A special prayer for the souls of those martyred for Christian faith and for their families. May Thy church grow without bounds, Jesus. Amen.

Today, we pray for the strengthening of our faith

Lord Jesus, we pray today for our struggle to understand You and Your working in our tough, unfair world. We pray that we come to You like little children and are touched by Your Holy Spirit, so that we understand how to love, obey and honour You and our own, even when life gives us tough knocks. Be with us every moment and send Your angels to aid us when we are in emotional, physical or spiritual danger. May we become real children of Your light.

Today, we pray for new Christians

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You our dear ones who have come newly into the Christian faith. Lord, guide and strengthen them with Your power each step of the way. Help us to truly walk the walk, so that we can be ideal, sincere and honest role models to them. We pray that these brothers and sisters are never so discouraged that they lose hope completely. Bless them and take us all under Your wing. Amen.

Today, we pray for those being tested

Lord Jesus, our Saviour, we need You now as we are struggling in the crucible of suffering. Lord, touch and bless each of us who are being tested through loss, bad marriages, illness, family problems, bondages, calamities, crisis situations, financial crunch, stress or fear. We wash all these away by the power of Your precious blood. May Your love bring us healing and peace, plus assurance, right now. Amen.