Category: Prayer Intention

Today, we pray for struggling marriages

Lord Jesus, today we surrender to You those among us who are struggling in our marriages. We pray that husbands and wives will truly and sincerely love, honour and cherish this special gift from You. May homes be filled with the power and grace of God and may any hurts be washed away by Your precious blood. May their children experience Your healing touch too. Bind these couples together with the eternal cords of Your love. Amen.

Today, we pray for pregnant women

Lord Jesus, today we bring to Your presence our pregnant wives, sisters, mothers and friends. We pray that theirs wombs, their spouses and babies are blessed. May the men who are to give them much care and love, do so with Your touch. May Your angels, Saint Anne and Mother Mary give them relief from their discomforts. Bless them with safe and happy confinement and smooth labour. Amen.

Today, we pray for protection from natural calamities

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You every place on earth that is facing a natural calamity right now. Son of God who commanded the winds and the waves, please have mercy on our world. We specially pray for those affected right now by typhoons, fires, hurricanes, bad weather, power and water supply disruptions. A prayer of mercy for those who are travelling or stuck at strange places, unable to reach home and for their loved ones far away. Let Your Hands keep us safe, Jesus. Amen.

Today, we pray for the wounded

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You the wounded, from all over the world, especially the ones who trudge into our retreat centre, for a revival of their lives. We pray for healing that is complete – physically and emotionally. We pray that Your love seeps through their spirits, souls and bodies, removing every hurt inflicted by people. May they walk into Your arms and walk boldly along hereafter, holding Your hand forever. Amen.

Today, we pray for carers of the sick

Lord Jesus, on this day we specially lift unto You those who are caring for the ill and elderly – family, friends, doctors, nurses and full time carers. Jesus, may they see You in the ones they are treating. Let care not become a show or business, but the biggest channel of Your divine love. May Your mercy and grace shine through these people, may the sick see You and sense Your blessing, peace and touch from these carers, when the suffering gets unbearable and when they near death. A special prayer that these jobs are never abused. Amen.