Category: Prayer Intention
Lord Jesus, today we pray for those who feel lost and empty. On that Holy Saturday after Your death, the ones who loved You would have felt lost, alone and empty. They would have struggled to understand the situation. We pray for all those who, on this day, feel lost and empty in life and are unable to understand their broken situations. Be with them this day and comfort them as You lead them on to the resurrection experience. Amen.
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Lord Jesus, today we pray for those who are longing for a job. We pray that these brothers and sisters will have the grace to pray and seek Your will when they apply for jobs. May they never lose hope when a rejection comes. May they have the will and the grace from You to try and try again without giving up. Provide them and their families with finances for their daily needs. Tell them every day what should be done with their time, their lives. Amen.
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Lord Jesus, You taught us a valuable lesson about loving those who hate us. We now pray for each person whom we have harmed and who has harmed us in any way. Sweet Jesus, let Your healing and love flow. Let peace be established. May Your children stop hurting each other through our thoughts, words and deeds. Bless each one of our enemies mightily today. Specially bless our family and friends – any of our dearest ones who treat us like enemies now. Amen.
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Lord Jesus, today we bring to You our disappointments with God, the Church and especially fellow Christians. The many tears, the countless unanswered prayers, the endless waiting for a miracle from heaven, the abuse we suffer from others – we surrender them all to You, Lord; not with anger, but with true submission and humility. We identify ourselves with Your apostles and Mother Mary, who waited and mourned before that glorious resurrection Sunday. Lord Jesus, turn our worst disappointments into Your biggest miracles. Amen.
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Lord Jesus, today we pray for our brothers and sisters living imprisoned all over the world. Break the bonds of sin, fear and isolation that exist within their hearts and jail cells. We pray for more love, more forgiveness and more prison outreach ministries to help them mend their ways. We pray they hear about You, Lord Jesus and for Your angels to aid their families. A special prayer for the innocent. O Divine Prisoner of the Sanctuary, hear their prayers and tears which rise to You from the confines of their walls. Amen.
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