Category: Prayer Intention

Today, we pray for those struggling in their vocations

Lord Jesus, we pray today for Your children who are unhappy with the vocations they have chosen or been made to chose for their lives. May we be able to pray fervently and reassess our choices – ministry, career, religious life, family status and singlehood. We also bring to you the people who have made us question our choice. We desire to glorify Your purpose and perfect Your will in our lives, Jesus. So help us have the courage to make bold changes or major corrections if required, before its too late. May it really be a calling and not something...

Today, we pray for the judged

Lord Jesus, we bring to Your Cross those who are judged the harshest by each one of us, the Pharisees of today. The teen with the tattoo, the intruding relative, the sulky colleague, the temperamental boss, the whining elder, the insensitive partner, the friend who wounded, the alcoholic neighbour, the gossipy stranger and many more faces we meet daily…may we see them as You see them, holy and perfect creations in an imperfect world. Let us not judge, lest we be judged by You. Forgive and heal us, each time before we even think of lifting our fingers to point...

Today, we pray for the children

Lord Jesus, today we surrender to You our children. They are our most precious gifts from You and we need the grace to raise them well, ensuring they have the best in life – beginning with the right knowledge of You. We pray that Your angels will watch over these precious treasures of our family. May their spirits, souls and bodies be protected from any harm or evil. Be with them Lord Jesus, even when we cannot. Amen.

Today, we pray for the strangers we meet

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You those who we bump into during our daily walk. The men, women and children we do not know, but who are all opportunities You provide for us to share Your love. May each person we meet see Christ in us. May Your Holy Spirit radiate from us and touch the lives of everyone we meet. Touch and heal them all, Lord Jesus. May no person go away from us hurt. May we never bring shame to You, our God – to anyone, anywhere. Amen.

Today, we pray for those from other faiths

Lord Jesus, we pray for everyone who is not a Christian – our brothers and sisters who are walking the journey of life beside us, loving us and helping us, but not knowing You. We pray the Holy Spirit’s love saturates us so much that they see You in us. May we become Your voice, touch and hands to all. Help us to live sincere to You alone, even unto death. Let the man-made walls of religion come down. May nothing that the devil plants, separate us. A special prayer for Christians who live in disagreement and discord within various...