Category: Daily Prayer

Today, we pray for the bedridden

Lord Jesus, today we bring to the foot of Your cross all our brothers and sisters who are tied to their beds. We pray that Your Holy Spirit brings strength back to their limbs and that they will rise and walk. We believe that by Your stripes they are healed. Lord, help us in our unbelief any time we waver. We also pray for the ones caring for these friends, that they may get Your courage to serve in love. Be with them in their low points and highs. Amen.

Today, we pray for those who feel lost

Lord Jesus, on this Holy Saturday, we pray for those who feel lost and empty. On that Holy Saturday after Your death, the ones who loved You would have felt lost, alone and empty. They would have struggled to understand the emptiness. We pray for all those who, on this day, feel lost and empty in life and are unable to understand their broken situations. Be with them this day and comfort them as You lead them on to the resurrection experience. Amen.

Today, we pray for our enemies

Lord Jesus, today we remember Your love that took You to the cross and a painful death even for Your enemies. You taught us a valuable lesson about loving those who hate us. We now pray for each person whom we have harmed and who has harmed us in any way. Sweet Jesus, let Your healing and love flow. Let peace be established. May we, Your children, stop hurting each other through our thoughts, words and deeds. Bless each one of our enemies mightily today. Amen.

Today, we pray for greater love for the Eucharist

Lord Jesus, You gave us Yourself today in the Eucharist. We pray that the human race is truly grateful for it. Have mercy and convict the ones who commit sins against the Eucharist. May each one of us receive it with the awe that it deserves and more. Teach us to truly adore and rejoice in this beautiful expression of Your love. Amen.

Today, we pray for new Christians

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You our dear ones who have come newly into the Christian faith. Lord, guide and strengthen them with Your power each step of the way. Help us to truly walk the walk, so that we can be ideal, sincere and honest role models to them. We pray that these brothers and sisters are never so discouraged that they lose hope completely. Bless them and take us all under Your wing. Amen.