Category: Daily Prayer

Today, we pray for Your mercy

Lord Jesus, today on this Divine Mercy Sunday, we humbly prostrate ourselves before You, seeking Your mercy. We pray for forgiveness of our sins, inner and physical healing and a powerful anointing of Your Holy Spirit. We pray for our dear ones – dead and alive – to be immersed in Your ocean of mercy. Bless us and bring us closer to You than ever. Amen.

Today, we pray for orphans

Lord Jesus, today we pray for those who live on this earth with no one to call their own. May Your love surround them and make them feel wanted, instead of rejected. Lord, bless the old and the young who long for a family. We pray that our homes will be opened to young ones who are seeking adoptive parents. May all of us truly become one large family – with members accountable to and for one another. Amen.

Today, we pray for those living in sexual sin

Lord Jesus, You taught us about love. But to some, love is manifested as lust. We pray for our brothers and sisters living in the bondage of sexual immorality, especially the ones who live it in secret. May they have the courage and integrity to recognise their folly and fight it, with Your grace. Pour forth Your Spirit on each one of us so that we may never fall into evil. Amen.

Today, we pray for those in debt

Lord Jesus, today we pray for the grace to be free from debt. Lord, help us honour You first with our money. Whatever we earn, let the first fruits be Yours. May our brothers and sisters who are facing loans, mortgages, crisis situations or loss of jobs – be helped in time, by Your wisdom. Give us and our families, financial blessings. Amen.

Today, we pray for the lonely

Lord Jesus, loneliness if the first thing that Your eyes seemed as not right. We pray for those among us who are living alone in this world – the sick and the orphaned, singles, the married singles, the aged and the ostracised. We pray that Your presence will surround us when we are at our loneliest point. We pray that You provide us with the right people around us, to be Your loving touch and voice. Heal our pain of rejection, especially from dearest ones. Amen.