Category: Daily Prayer

Today, we pray for those who are suicidal

Lord Jesus, on this day we bring to You our brothers and sisters who are being rammed by this cruellest attack against their souls. We pray that Your heavenly and earthly angels will support them when they are at their lowest. May they always find a friendly hand to hold, pray and bring them back. Break the strongholds of evil. Deliver them right now and forever – by the mighty power of Your Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Today, we pray for new Christians

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You our dear ones who have come new to the Christian faith. Lord, guide and strengthen them with Your power each step of the way. Help us to truly walk the walk, so that we can be ideal, sincere and honest role models for them. We pray that these brothers and sisters are never so discouraged that they lose hope completely. Bless them and take us all under Your wings. Amen.

Today, we pray for widows, orphans and single parent families

Lord Jesus, today we pray for some of the ignored in our society – the widows, widowers, orphans and single parents. We pray that You will be the absent spouse, friend, sibling, mother and father for them all. May Your love surround them when they are at their lowest. May Your Holy Spirit give them inner strength, courage and joy. May angels be at their service when they need them. Bless their families and friends too mightily, Lord. Forgive the ones who reject them and cause them suffering. Amen.

Today, we pray for our leaders

Lord Jesus, on this day we bring to You leaders of our homes, churches, countries, organisations and offices. We pray that they will be fine men and women who always listen to their conscience and have the guts to obey it, whatever may be the price to pay. May Your Holy Spirit be with them every step of the way, building groups and people, not breaking them. Bring Your qualities of honesty, justice, mercy and love into their daily lifestyles. Strengthen those of us who are called to be leaders. Amen.

Today, we pray for couples in dead relationships

Lord Jesus, You created man and gave woman to him as a partner. We pray for those of us, especially Christians, who are living through the pain of ‘married singlehood’. Breathe life into our marriages, Holy Spirit. We pray that men and women can receive complete healing and deliverance by Your power. Bind the devil from abusing vulnerability and pain in a marriage. Heal wounds and help couples forgive and move on. Bless and heal their children. And help us bring ourselves and our partners – to You, daily and forever. Amen.