Category: Daily Prayer

Today, we pray for the fight against terrorism

Lord Jesus, we pray for terrorism to end. May Your Holy Spirit touch the hearts and hands of men and women who have chosen terrorism as the way to win their battles. Lord, show them that no agenda that’s against love will ever win. We pray and bless the families and friends of the victims of terrorist attacks. Heal our world, sweet Jesus, with Your mighty touch of love. Amen.

Today, we pray for families

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You all the families in the world. Lord, the evil one is destroying families and close relationships. We pray that all those we consider our family are protected and that strife is routed in Your mighty name. May members of our inner circle learn the importance of praying together, loving sacrificially and forgiving each other. And through the power of that prayer made in Your Holy Name, may we always live in physical proximity, emotional togetherness and true love. Amen.

Today, we pray for those longing to come back to You

Lord Jesus, our Saviour, today we pray for those of our brethren who are longing to come back to You, to the church. Lord, only You know what is stopping them – their challenges, confusions and struggles. We pray that You send angels into their lives – Christian men and women who can bring them back. We pray that when they return, they return with fervour and a lifelong dedication, never to go away or astray again. Bless also the ones who are standing by and waiting, the family and friends praying ceaselessly for their return. Amen.