Category: Daily Prayer

Today, we pray for our relatives

Lord Jesus, on this Christmas Eve, we surrender to You today members of our family and our extended family. We pray that strife within our homes is healed and relationships are washed in Your Precious Blood and mended. May we learn to love members of our family as our own, just as You decided they should be our own. May every negative thought and incident be surrendered at the foot of Your cross today. Bless our dear ones to come closer to You and to each other. May we always bless and be a blessing to them. Fill our homes...

Today, we pray for more prayer warriors

Lord Jesus, we pray today that You raise up more prayer warriors to worship You and make known to You the deepest cries and prayer requests of Your children. We need more men and women to come forward in faith, to call upon Your mighty name. We need miracles, strength and healing. Bless the ones who are already in the intercessory ministry and make each one in our family and friends’ circle, a warrior for Christ. Amen.

Today, we pray for those singles waiting for a spouse

Lord Jesus, we surrender to You those of us who are longing to have a life partner. You alone know the desires of our hearts, our endless prayers and deepest aches. We pray that miracles of the kind that led Ruth to Boaz and Tobias to Sara, will take place in our lives too, so that we and our dear ones may see that and glorify Your name. May the way each of us Christian singles get a spouse from You alone, become a testimony to many. Bring to us the one person created for each one of us. Help...

Today, we pray for Pope Francis

Lord Jesus, today we – thousands of believers, humbly kneel at Thy feet and beg Thee to bless and protect our Papa Francis, as he celebrates his 77th birthday. Lord, He is the father of a great fellowship and our spiritual guide as well. We pray that he will always remain in Your anointing, completely a man of Your choice. Lord, source of eternal life and truth, give to Your shepherd a spirit of courage, wisdom and right judgement. May this new successor of Peter and the vicar of Your church, Lord Jesus Christ, build Your church into a sacrament...

Today, we pray over dead relationships

Lord Jesus, today we pray for the ones who are living in buried strife, hatred or grief – in dead relationships. We pray that You will breathe Your Spirit into these hearts. Lord Jesus, touch spouses, friends, colleagues, ministers and members of families; inspire us to make the effort to heal each other, without letting go or letting it be. Let us know that forgiveness and restoration is possible through You and make active efforts. Help us heal, before we mark Your birth, the birth of the Son of God – who is love personified. Amen.