Category: Daily Prayer

Today, we pray for those lukewarm in their faith

Lord Jesus, today we surrender to You those among us who have a lukewarm relationship with You and Your people. Lord, You said that those who are neither hot nor cold would be spat out. We pray that we really begin to live out our Christian faith with love, passion, freedom and grace. May we also never become blind followers of the blind, but exercise Your wisdom and caution, when facing challenges in our faith walk. Bring Your Spirit alive in us – every day – give us a fresh anointing of Your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, we pray for our teachers

Lord Jesus, today we surrender to You our teachers. Thank You Lord, for those who taught us everything – from discipline to sharing, from knowledge to integrity. We pray that each one of them are touched by You and cared for in a special way. May good Christian men and women take up this commitment to become teachers. Bless their students to know You and about You, first and last. Amen.

Today, we pray for those who cut us through their words

Lord Jesus, there is no one who uses the power of words to heal as much as You do. We pray for Christians who inflict deep wounds with their tongue, without a care for others’ feelings. We pray that the ones who are at the receiving end – can heal, forgive and forget too, by Your grace. May we too become the kind of people who are gentle and loving in our speech. Let the anger, unforgiveness and hatred melt away when we are touched by You daily. Heal our tongues which kill our loved ones, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Today, we pray for prisoners

Lord Jesus, today we pray for our brothers and sisters living imprisoned all over the world. Break the bonds of sin, fear and isolation that exist within their hearts and jail cells. We pray for more love, more forgiveness and more prison outreach ministries to help them heal. We pray they hear about You, Lord Jesus and for Your angels to aid their families. A special prayer for the innocent. Oh Divine Prisoner of the Sanctuary, hear their prayers and tears which rise to You from the confines of their walls. Amen.

Today, we pray for the bedridden

Lord Jesus. today we bring to the foot of Your cross all our brothers and sisters who are tied to their beds. We pray that Your Holy Spirit brings strength back to their limbs and they rise and walk. We believe that by Your stripes they are healed. Lord, help us in our unbelief any time we waver. We also pray for the ones waiting on these friends, that they may get Your courage to serve better and serve in love. Be with them in their low points and highs. Amen.