Category: Daily Prayer

Today, we pray for mixed marriages

Lord Jesus, today we bring to Your presence all the inter faith and cross cultural marriages in the world. Lord, You created marriage for men and women to glorify Your name together. Many times, couples struggle to honour You or love each other when differences in faith take prominence. We surrender them and their children, parents, siblings, relatives and friends to Your Sacred Heart. Bless them and help them truly take You to their spouse through unconditional love like Yours. Amen.

Today, we pray for our purification

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You, the Fountain of all Holiness – a desire for our purification. Cleanse us of all iniquity; keep our souls holy, our minds clean and our bodies chaste. When evil tries to taunt and entice us with sin, keep us protected. Let today be the beginning of our sanctification. Create in us clean hearts and seal our senses with Your Precious Blood. Amen.

Children’s Daily Offering Prayer

For love of me you came to earth; You gave your life for me. So every day you give me now I give back happily. Take all my laughter, all my tears, Each thought, each word, each deed, And let them be my all-day prayer To help all those in need.

Today, we pray for our soldiers

Lord Jesus, today we bring to Your valiant heart, our courageous men and women who fight for their country. Protect, guide and hold them close, Lord. We pray for their loved ones back home, who wait for a visit and some news. When the ache of loneliness hits them or their own, be with them and comfort them with Your presence. When they lose their lives far away from home, under severe emotional and physical pain, may Your Holy Spirit touch them. May we never make light of their sacrifice. Amen.

Today, we pray for a deeper relationship with Jesus

Lord Jesus, today we give to you our desire and longing to know You, love You and have fellowship with You. Each moment of each day, let us have intimacy with Your Holy Spirit. Anything that blocks the work of Your Spirit, we bind it and break it in Your Holy Name. We plead to God the Father for a relationship with God, not merely religion. Let us become the kind of Christians who really know the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us become filled with Your love and light; and let us pass it on to our brethren all over...