Category: Daily Prayer

Today, we pray for our teachers

Lord Jesus, today we surrender to You our teachers. Thank You Lord, for those who taught us everything – from discipline to sharing, from knowledge to integrity. We pray that each one of them is touched by You and cared for, in a special way. May good Christian men and women take up this commitment to become teachers. Bless their students to know You and about You, first and last. Bless the families of these men and women, as they spend their lives, effort and time, training our little ones. Amen

Today, we pray for the bedridden

Lord Jesus, today we surrender to You all our brothers and sisters who are disabled, paralysed or comatose. We pray that You breathe healing into their nerves and bones. May each one of them experience the healing that the sick, the lame and the blind experienced when You lived on this earth. We pray also for the families and carers of these men and women – that they too may be strengthened by Your Spirit. Bless and heal them all, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Today, we pray for homemakers

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You, all Your children who are homemakers. Lord, they often do the unpaid, thankless service no one wants to do, and do it lifelong. We thank You for these wonderful men and women who choose their families and those needs before their own success and a probable career. We bless their work worn hands, Jesus. A special prayer for the mums and dads and relatives and administrators who have made our own homes and institutions true homes of selfless love. Amen.

Today, we pray for those labelled bad

Lord Jesus, You are all about love, mercy and justice; and acceptance. When the world brands a person as a black sheep, please hold his or her hand. The moment when one of us is labelled something evil, may Your angels rush to our aid – to lift us up and to give us grace and courage. May we able to bear the insults better, knowing that the world did the same to You years ago. May we not judge either, lest we be judged ourselves. Heal us all, Lord please. And help us forgive, like You did. Amen.

Today, we pray for the grace to know You better

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You our lack of trust in You. The fear, the doubt and the torment that we inflict upon ourselves, not knowing about even one iota of Your love for us. Lord, may we come to know Your love, even though it can never be completely known. May we never raise our thoughts, words or actions against You. Bless us to become truly Your children, who really know Your Fatherly Heart. Amen.