Category: Daily Prayer

Today, we pray for new beginnings

Lord Jesus, on this day we bring to You each one of us and our brothers and sisters who are marking new beginnings. We pray that all of us are blessed mightily with breakthroughs – in our spiritual walk, family life, ministries, relationships, finances, careers, health, answers to long lost prayers and anything we may need it for – in life. We pray that fresh starts and mighty favour would come, timely and overwhelming, as we are at the next bends in our roads. Amen.

Today, we pray for missionaries

Lord Jesus, we pray for missionaries all over the world. Lord, we consecrate each one of them and their families and friends to Your Sacred Heart. We pray in particular for those stuck in faraway lands, surrounded by hostile forces. When troubles and turmoils come, be their strength. Give all of Your missionary servants the humility, simplicity, grace, honesty, dedication and most importantly, Your kind of love – that live up to their calling. Amen.

Today, we pray for Your anointing

Lord Jesus, today we pray that Your power falls on us. May a heavy anointing of the Holy Spirit fall on each one of us – the young and the old, men and women and people from all walks of life. May the world come to see Your glory and the manifestation of it. May Your people come together in one Spirit to praise You as one church, one flock. May Your Spirit cleanse, heal and renew us all. Use us completely for You, Lord, after that. Amen.

Today, we pray for mothers

Lord Jesus, today we pray for the woman who gave birth to each one of us. May her every tear, prayer be answered by You, Almighty God, especially the ones for her family. Help us women become good Christian mothers who put you first and family second. May love and only love be our motto always. We pray that we look at our Heavenly Mother and Saint Anne as role models. On a hard day, let us lean completely on You. Help us bring love and light to many like they are our own family. Bless our spouses and children...

Today, we pray for childless couples

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You all Your children who are longing to hold a baby in their arms. Lord, we pray for mercy. We pray for the grace to trust You and for strength, if the wait has been long. May all marriage beds be kept holy. Forgive all sins couples have committed against their spirit, soul and body. We pray that more and more childless men and women will be open to giving orphans a home. May their cries for an heir be heard, Lord Jesus. Amen.