Category: Daily Prayer

Today, we pray for our Pope Francis

Lord Jesus, today we – thousands of believers, humbly kneel at Thy feet and beg Thee to bless our Papa, as he marks two years of papacy. Lord, he is the father of a great fellowship of souls and our spiritual guide as well. We pray that he will always remain a man after Your own heart. Lord Jesus, source of eternal life and truth, give to Your shepherd a spirit of courage, wisdom and right judgement, as well as good health and Your protection. May he make bold decisions for You, to build Your church into a divine body...

Today, we pray for our protection

Lord Jesus, today we pray for protection – from evil, strife, bad habits and any vile attacks of Satan. Lord, we want to live glorifying Your name. Sometimes, we build up shackles which destroy us little by little, instead of keeping us safe. Protect us from today in a very special way, Lord Jesus. Send Your angels to stand guard over us and our own. More than anything, keep us away from anything that cocoons us away from loving You and loving our brethren, which is Your way. Amen.

Today, we pray for those being tested

Lord Jesus, our Saviour, we need You now as we are struggling in the crucible of suffering. Lord, touch and bless each of us who are being tested through loss, illness, family problems, bondages, calamities, crisis situations, financial crunch, stress or fear. We wash all these away by the power of Your precious blood. May Your love bring us healing and peace, plus assurance, right now. Amen.

Today, we pray for the silent helpers of Your Ministry

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You, Your silent supporters on this earth. Lord, bless and honour those who clean the pews, decorate the halls for worship, do secretarial work, wash the toilets and do odd jobs behind the scenes – the sound technicians, the volunteer staff, the drivers, families of ministers, the launderers, the babysitters and all those who faithfully and quietly support ministries with their time and money, for Your glory. A prayer for their families too. May their rewards come from You. And frequently remind each of us that each role comes from You, so respect all...

Today, we pray for those singles waiting for a spouse

Lord Jesus, we surrender to You those of us who are longing to have a life partner. You alone know the desires of our hearts, our endless prayers and deepest aches. We pray that miracles of the kind that led Ruth to Boaz and Tobias to Sara, will take place in our lives too, so that we and our dear ones may see that and glorify Your name. May the way each of us Christian singles get a spouse from You alone, become a testimony to many. Bring to us the one person created for each one of us. Help...