Category: Daily Prayer

Today, we pray for greater love for the Eucharist

Lord Jesus, You gave us Yourself today in the Eucharist. We pray that the human race is truly grateful for it. Have mercy and convict the ones who commit sins against the Eucharist. May each one of us receive it with the awe that it deserves and more. Teach us to truly adore and rejoice in this beautiful expression of Your love. Amen.

Today, we pray for those in pain

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You those of us who are suffering. Many of our brothers and sisters are in physical and emotional bondage. We pray that Your Word will become the solace they need. We pray that Christians around the world do not merely talk the talk, but walk the walk – to soothe others who are hurting and right now, as time is running out. May we never merely talk about You without first bringing comfort those closest to us. May the loneliest of us find hope, Jesus. Touch their brows and heal our hearts. May Your...

Today, we pray for ‘pretend Christians’

Lord Jesus, today we bring to the foot of Your cross all those are putting up a show of piety. Lord, when You walked the earth, You hated hypocrisy and called it the yeast of the Pharisees. We pray that You cleanse Your church and its people of any trace of power abuse, greed, hypocrisy, deception and lies. Tear down the walls of evil – anything that fights Your rule of loving You and our neighbour. Make us know that the punishment for deceivers will be great from a God who abhors shams. Let true repentance happen and let us...

Today, we pray for the poor

Lord Jesus, today we pray for the ones who are struggling for a square meal. Let the rich share their supplies with the poor. May every human have food on the table and money for their needs. A special prayer for the hungry mouths of the world this day, this moment. Give us all our daily bread, Lord. Amen.

Today, we pray for those who are suicidal

Lord Jesus, on this day we bring to You our brothers and sisters who are being rammed by the cruellest attack against their souls – a tendency to kill themselves. We pray that Your heavenly and earthly angels will support them when they are at their lowest. May they always find a friendly hand to hold, pray and bring them back. Break the strongholds of evil and let this not transfer to the next generation. Deliver them right now and forever – by the mighty power of Your Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ. A special prayer for the families and...