Category: Daily Prayer

Today, we pray for all the families

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You all the families in the world. Lord, the evil one is destroying families and close relationships. We pray that every family is protected and that strife is routed in Your mighty name. May members of families learn the importance of praying – together and for each other. And through the power of that prayer, may we always live in physical and emotional togetherness and love. Amen.

Special Prayer, we pray for protection from natural calamities

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You every place on earth that is facing a natural calamity right now. Son of God who commanded the winds and the waves, please have mercy on our world. We specially pray for those affected right now by floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, heavy rains, intense temperature, power and water supply disruptions. A prayer of mercy for those who are travelling or stuck at strange places, unable to reach home and for their loved ones far away. Let Your protection keep us safe, Jesus. Amen.

Today, we pray for pregnant women

Lord Jesus, today we bring to Your presence our pregnant wives, sisters, mothers and friends. We pray that theirs wombs and babies are blessed. May the men who are to give them care and love, do so, with Your touch. Hold their babies and bless their men. May Your angels, Saint Anne and Mother Mary give them relief from their discomforts. Bless them with safe and happy confinement and smooth labour. Amen.

Today, we pray for those lukewarm in their faith

Lord Jesus, today we surrender to You those among us who have a lukewarm relationship with You and the church. Lord, You said that those who are neither hot nor cold would be spat out. We pray that we really begin to live out our Christian faith with love, passion, freedom and grace. May we also never become blind followers of the blind, but exercise Your wisdom and caution, when facing challenges in our faith walk. Bring Your Spirit alive in us – every day – a fresh anointing. Amen.

Today, we pray for our protection

Lord Jesus, today we pray for protection – from evil, strife, bad habits and any vile attacks of Satan. Lord, we want to live glorifying Your name. Sometimes, we build up shackles which destroy us little by little, instead of keeping us safe. Protect us from today in a very special way, Lord Jesus. Send Your angels to stand guard over us and our own. More than anything, keep us away from anything that cocoons us away from loving You and loving our brethren, which is Your way. Amen.