Category: Daily Prayer

Today, we pray for protection

Lord Jesus, we plead for Your protection – from evil, strife, bad habits and any vile attacks of Satan. Lord, we want to live glorifying Your name. Sometimes, we build up shackles which destroy instead of keeping us safe. Protect us in a very special way, Lord Jesus. Send Your angels to stand guard over us and our own. More than anything, keep us away from anything that blocks us away from loving You and loving our brethren like you want them loved. Amen.

Today, we pray for families

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You all the families in the world. Lord, the evil one is destroying families and close relationships. We pray that all those we consider our family are protected and that strife is routed in Your mighty name. May members of our inner circle learn the importance of praying together and forgiving each other. And through the power of that prayer, may we always live in physical proximity, emotional togetherness and true love. Amen.

Today, we pray for a deeper relationship with Jesus

Lord Jesus, today we give to You our desire and longing to know You, love You and have fellowship with You. Each moment of each day, let us have intimacy with Your Holy Spirit. Anything that blocks the work of Your Spirit, we bind it and break it in Your Holy Name. We plead to God the Father for a personal relationship with God, not merely religion. Let us become the kind of Christians who really know the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us become filled with Your love and light; and let us pass it on to our brethren all...

Today, we pray for the poor

Lord Jesus, today we pray for the ones around the world, who are struggling for a square meal. Let the rich share their supplies with the poor. May every human have food on the table and money for their needs. A special prayer for the hungry nations of the world. Forgive each one of us the morsels we have ever wasted in our homes. Give us all our daily bread, Lord. Amen.

Today, we pray for atheists

Lord Jesus, today we pray for those who deny the presence of You, our living God. May Your Holy Spirit convict them and bring them to repentance. We pray that every year they have lost will be regained, for Your glory. Open the eyes of their souls that they may really see You. Let us Christians be used as instruments to bring the lost back into the fold. Keep us from losing our faith too. A special prayer for those who turned them against You in the first place. Amen.