Category: Daily Prayer

Today, we pray for those facing death

Lord Jesus, we surrender to You each man, woman and child, who is facing death right now. We pray that Your Spirit strengthens and calms them, when they enter the valley of death. May each one of them receive the grace to know Your presence, the comfort of Your angels, the prayers of Your saints and have a peaceful death. Give Your grace to those who are holding them and grieving, when they cross the barrier. May none of our dear ones die violent or untimely deaths and may we never have to face death in fear or in loneliness,...

Today, we pray for travellers

Lord Jesus, we pray for those among us who are travelling. We pray that You will keep each one of us safe and protected by Your constant care when we move from one place to another. Give us travelling mercies. Keep our loved ones who are on the move by air, road or water, safe from death, disease or catastrophes. May Your angels surround us now and forever – right from the time we step out to make our journey and to the time when we are back. Amen.

Today, we pray for those who weep for their children

Lord Jesus, we pray for all those parents weeping and praying for their beloved children. No parent would want to see their children go through physical, emotional or spiritual sicknesses. O Lord take into account the valuable tears of those parents who are praying for their children. May their tears be honoured by You. May their children get healed physically, emotionally and spiritually. Amen.

Today, we pray for persecuted Christians

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You our brothers and sisters who are being tortured for their faith in You. Lord, let Your mercy and healing flow – into the prosecuted and the prosecutors. May the ones who harm us, know that – to know You, is to speak about You. May Your name be glorified and spread across the world every second. A special prayer for the souls of those martyred for Christian faith and for their families. May Thy church grow without boundaries, my Jesus. Amen.

Today, we pray for those in debt

Lord Jesus, today we pray for the grace to be free from debt. Lord, help us honour You first with our money. Whatever we earn, let the first fruits be Yours. May our brothers and sisters who are facing loans, mortgages, crisis situations or loss of jobs – be helped in time, by Your angels. May we get back everything the devil has ever stolen from us. Give us financial blessings and Your peace and wisdom to enjoy it with. And may we learn to share, whatever we receive from Your merciful hands. Amen.