Category: Daily Prayer

Today, we pray for people sinning against their bodies

Lord Jesus, You taught us about love. But to some, love is manifested as lust. We pray for our brothers and sisters living in the bondage of sexual immorality, especially the ones who live it in secret and have no qualms about it. May they have the courage and integrity to recognise their folly and fight it, with Your grace. Pour forth Your Spirit on each one of us so that we may never fall into this evil. Protect our own and our children from being preys to this too. Amen.

Today, we pray for people sinning against their bodies

Lord Jesus, You taught us about love. But to some, love is manifested as lust. We pray for our brothers and sisters living in the bondage of sexual immorality, especially the ones who live it in secret and have no qualms about it. May they have the courage and integrity to recognise their folly and fight it, with Your grace. Pour forth Your Spirit on each one of us so that we may never fall into this evil. Protect our own and our children from being preys to this too. Amen.

Today, we pray that we can become saints

Lord Jesus, we surrender to You today our desire to become saints. We were created to worship and honour You with our lives. We consecrate ourselves to You in a special way today, O Christ the King and pray that we will live fulfilling lives that bring honour to Your name. May our homes, churches and workplaces be places which shape us into saintly people. Let us become role models for other Christians, in our love, purity, integrity, humility, joyfulness, holiness and simplicity. Amen.

Today, we pray for those who have been betrayed

Lord Jesus, we bring to You those of us who have faced the deepest stab of all – betrayal by a loved one. Lord, You faced rejection and wounds from Your own. We bring to You our own pain, the ceaseless ache caused by the cut from a friend or relative. God, when people who promised to be around don’t stick by, when spouses cheat and parents, siblings or children reject, be our comfort. Forgive them cos they do not know what they are doing. Have mercy on us all. Amen.

Today, we pray for our relatives

Lord Jesus, we surrender to You today, the members of our extended family. We pray that illnesses and strife within our homes are healed and relationships are washed in Your Precious Blood and mended. May we learn to love them as our own, just as You decided they should be our family. Bless our dear ones to come closer to You and to each other. Heal the negative. May we always bless and never curse each other. Let Your love flow into and through our family tree daily. Amen.