Category: Daily Prayer

Today, we pray for those walking wounded

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You the wounded, from all over the world, especially the ones who trudge into or live in our retreat centre, for a revival of their lives. We pray for healing that is complete – spiritual, physical and emotional. We pray that Your love seeps through their spirits, souls and bodies, removing every hurt inflicted by people. May they walk into Your arms and walk boldly along hereafter, holding Your hand forever. Amen.

Today, we pray for the unknown angels in our lives

Lord Jesus, today we pray for those we bump into in our daily lives – people who we don’t know, but who are timely angels in disguise. The unknown faces – church ministers, priests and prayer partners who have lifted us up, fellow travellers, shopkeepers, friends of friends and members of our families and communities we may have never met, but have helped improve our lives. Bless each one of them and their own mightily today, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Today, we pray for our loved ones who have died

Lord Jesus, today we say a prayer for the souls and memories of our beloved who are dead. Assure us that their souls are in Your light. Let every unfulfilled dream and ache of theirs be dealt with here on earth. Lord, hug and comfort all those who are grieving right now; the ones left behind. May they feel You, Your love. Let Your angels on earth fill the roles the dead cannot fill anymore. We pray that all will be well, until we meet again in Your presence. Amen.

Prayer for All Saints Day

Dear Father, You have given the saints in Heaven eternal happiness and they now live in the fullness of Your glory. Because of their holy love for You, they also care about me and my family, my friends, my church, and my neighbors. Thank You for the gift of their friendship and the witness of their holy lives. I ask our patron saints and every saint who has become especially dear to me to intercede for us. I ask them to help us journey safely on the narrow path that leads to Heaven. O Lord, give us their protection. Grant...

Today, we pray for pregnant women

Lord Jesus, today we bring to Your presence our pregnant wives, sisters, mothers and friends. We pray that theirs wombs, their spouses and babies are blessed. May the men who are to give them much care and love, do so with Your touch. May Your angels, Saint Anne and Mother Mary give them relief from their discomforts. Bless them with safe and happy confinement and smooth labour. Amen.