Category: Daily Prayer

Today, we pray over our unanswered prayers

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You our unanswered prayers, our broken dreams. Lord, many times, our faith has been and still is, challenged by the silence from heaven. Some of us have asked and been waiting for too long or gotten no for an answer. Those moments when prayers over our dreams, death, illnesses, relationships, people problems, crisis situations, jobs, our children, marriage, finances or any calamities – have been scary because of Your silence – we now declare You the only authority and the Final Word over them. Let Thy will be done and only Thine, forever and...

Today, we pray for struggling parents

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You, all the parents across the world. Lord, we pray that we can rest in Your presence daily and fervently, before we venture into another day of rigorous struggle – directing the paths of our little ones. We pray first of all that they will be so connected to You, as they walk their daily walk. Remember them and us with mercy daily, God, even when we fumble. Grant us Your wisdom and immense grace, to glean insights into their lives, love them like You do, understand them well and guide them the right...

Today, we pray for an Easter experience

Lord Jesus, today as we mark Your triumphant resurrection, we pray for an Easter experience, in our own personal lives. Let there be a resurrection in our faith, ministry, marriage, profession and family life. Heal and bless our value system, our education and career, our relationship with God and man. Jesus who won victory for us on the cross, help us with a powerful anointing of Your Holy Spirit, to complete that Easter experience in our own lives. Amen.

Today, we pray for those who want to return to a life with Jesus

Lord Jesus, our Saviour, today we pray for those of our brethren who are longing to come back to You, to a constant relationship with You. Lord, only You know what is stopping them – their challenges, confusions and struggles. We pray that when they return, they return with fervour and lifelong dedication, never to go away or astray again. Bless also the ones who are standing by and waiting, the family and friends praying ceaselessly for their return. Keep them away from blind leaders of the blind. We pray that You will send angels into their lives – Christian...

Today, we pray for the forgiveness of our sins

Lord Jesus, today – this Good Friday – we bring to your our sins that took You to the cross. The anger, the greed, the unforgiving nature, the arrogance, our harsh behaviour, bitter words, greed, neglect of the family, unwillingness to help our brethren, alcoholism, lying, cheating, gossip, abortion, wrong relationships, adultery and sexual sins, addictive sins and everything else that You alone are fully aware of. Lord, only Your Holy Spirit can heal us and make us new creations. We humbly kneel at the foot of Your rugged cross this day and plead Your blood of forgiveness over ourselves...