Category: Daily Prayer


” ‘The virgin shall be with Child and give birth to a Son, and they shall call Him Emmanuel,’ a name which means ‘God is with us.’ ” –Matthew 1:23 We often give presents to those celebrating their birthdays. On Mary’s birthday, it’s even better. Often on this day, the Lord gives everyone special presents. For example, through the intercession of Mary, the Lord may give us the present of a miracle in which He takes even bad things and works them together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His decree (Rm 8:28)....


“New wine should be poured into fresh skins.” –Luke 5:38 Everything has changed with the coming of Jesus Christ into this world. All prior ways of relating to God cannot even begin to compare with the new way of relating to God introduced by Jesus. Those who related to God before Jesus sometimes placed more importance on the religious practices than on the relationship with God. We must never mistake the path for the goal, which is Jesus Christ. We are to “keep our eyes fixed on Jesus,” the Goal (Heb 12:2). Even while walking the path to Jesus in...


“If You say so, I will lower the nets.” –Luke 5:5 When Jesus gives Peter a miraculous catch of fish, this is the miracle that Peter, the fisherman, can completely understand. Peter knows his inadequacies. Yet Peter also knows that Jesus is Lord and so he is ready to obey any commands Jesus might give. Thus Peter brought his boat to the shore, left everything, and became Jesus’ follower (Lk 5:11). Peter recognizes that Jesus is calling him, and so does not let his sinfulness hold him back from responding to the Lord’s call. How Jesus must have loved Peter’s...


“I could not talk to you as spiritual men but only as men of flesh, as infants in Christ.” –1 Corinthians 3:1 When you were a child or at some other time in your life, did you learn the ABCs of the Christian life? If so, you have been fed milk (1 Cor 3:2). What did you do with your milk? Were you as eager as a newborn baby for more “milk of the Spirit to make you grow unto salvation?” (1 Pt 2:2) Have you digested your milk and become rooted in the Christian life? (see Mk 4:16-17) Have...


“What is there about His word?” –Luke 4:36, RNAB What is there about His Word? “He commands the unclean spirits with authority and power and they leave” (Lk 4:36). God’s Word overcomes temptation (Mt 4:3-11) and sin (Ps 119:11). What is there about His Word? “By the word of the Lord the heavens were made” (Ps 33:6). The Word of God creates (Gn 1:1ff). God’s Word is life (Jn 6:63) and gives life where there was no life (Ez 37:9ff). Jesus spoke and people at a distance were healed (Mt 8:13; Jn 4:50-53). What is there about His Word? God’s...