Category: Daily Prayer


“The community of believers were of one heart and one mind. None of them ever claimed anything as his own; rather, everything was held in common.” –Acts 4:32 Go back and re-read the above verse. Then close your eyes for a moment and picture the lifestyle of the early Christians. Our ancestors in faith “were of one heart and one mind. None of them ever claimed anything as his own; rather, everything was held in common” (Acts 4:32). “Nor was there anyone needy among them, for all who owned property or houses sold them and donated the proceeds. They used...


Jesus “took them to task for their disbelief and their stubbornness, since they had put no faith in those who had seen Him after He had been raised.” —Mark 16:14 In the Gospel reading, the apostles who had been with Jesus did not believe in His Resurrection (Mk 16:11, 13). In the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, after the descent of the Holy Spirit, those who had been with Jesus were those who did believe in Him (Acts 4:13). What was the difference that caused the apostles to believe? One major difference is the outpouring of the...


Jesus “took them to task for their disbelief and their stubbornness, since they had put no faith in those who had seen Him after He had been raised.” –Mark 16:14 In the Gospel reading, the apostles who had been with Jesus did not believe in His Resurrection (Mk 16:11, 13). In the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, after the descent of the Holy Spirit, those who had been with Jesus were those who did believe in Him (Acts 4:13). What was the difference that caused the apostles to believe? One major difference is the outpouring of the...


“I am going out to fish.” –John 21:3 Jesus told Peter to leave the fishing business and follow Him (Mt 4:19). Even after meeting the risen Christ several times, Peter denied Christ again and returned to the fishing business. Peter denied Jesus, the Light, and chose the night. “All through the night they caught nothing” (Jn 21:3). Peter was naked (see Jn 21:7, NAB), and not clothed with power (Lk 24:49), righteousness (see Eph 6:14), and life in Christ (Eph 4:24). Peter chose night, nothing, and nakedness. Jesus, in all His mercy, forgave Peter another three times and proceeded to...


“They thought they were seeing a ghost.” –Luke 24:37 The apostles thought that Jesus was a ghost. He was not. Yet the apostles were on to something profound in thinking of the presence of a ghost. A “ghost” was in the upper room, the Holy Ghost, and the apostles would be filled with this Holy Spirit in seven weeks at Pentecost in that same upper room (see Acts 2:4). Jesus and the Holy Spirit opened the minds of the apostles to understand the Word of God. Then the apostles brought thousands to the Lord at Pentecost (see Acts 2:41). During...