Category: Daily Prayer


“Abel, for his part, brought one of the best firstlings of his flock.” –Genesis 4:4 Both Cain and Abel brought offerings to the Lord. God accepted Abel and his offering, but He did not look with favor on Cain and his offering. Although we don’t know the details of this event, Scripture does provide us with a clue into what God looks for in a sacrifice. Abel brought to the Lord his “best” (Gn 4:4). Cain simply brought “an offering” (Gn 4:3). The Lord repeatedly emphasizes offering the best we have, without blemish (see Lv 1:10). What we give to...


“Instruct me.” —Psalm 119:33 There are two ways of life, and God has given us freedom to make our own choice. “Before man are life and death, whichever he chooses shall be given him” (Sir 15:17). Yet He gives us every instruction needed to say “Yes” to God’s way and “No” to Satan’s way. So the Church leads us to pray with the psalmist in today’s psalm response, “Instruct me” (Ps 119:33). We need to beg the Lord for His instruction because we have been entrusted with the power to choose. There is no neutrality in this choice. So it...


“I hid myself.” —Genesis 3:10 The seeds of the alienation and separation of man are evident in today’s first reading: alienation from God, alienation between man and woman. “The man and his wife hid themselves from the Lord God” (Gn 3:8). Man tries to find his own remedy for his fall from grace instead of going to the remedy God has offered, His Son Jesus Christ. However, we cannot reconcile ourselves to God through our own efforts; it is the Lord Who initiates the reconciling. Our part is to “let it be done to” us (Lk 1:38). “But now in...


“Ephphatha!…Be opened!” —Mark 7:34 Jesus took the deaf man “off by himself away from the crowd” (Mk 7:33). Jesus moved the man away from chaos, disorder, skepticism, peer pressure, and negativity. This peace was the environment in which full healing could best be done. So many people listen to everything but the Lord. Particularly, people listen to the voice of the evil one (Gn 3:1ff). In the present-day secular culture, the voice of evil resounds, twisting and redefining God’s good and holy order. The kingdom of darkness calls “evil good, and good evil” (Is 5:20). The secular culture opposes God...


“The Lord God said: ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a suitable partner for him.’ ” –Genesis 2:18 The first spoken words in the Holy Bible from man are about the topic of marriage. Adam rejoices that he has been given his beloved wife Eve: “This one, at last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” (Gn 2:23). The last time a human speaks in the Bible is likewise a word of rejoicing about a marriage: the Bride, that is, the Church, together with the Holy Spirit say, “Come!” (Rv...