Category: Prayers in English

Today, we pray for the hospitalised

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You those who are admitted in hospitals. Jesus, only You can heal them with Your special touch. We also raise their friends, families and carers into Your mighty hands. We specially pray for those who have undergone surgeries or other painful health procedures and are recuperating. May their pain be lessened and their healing quickened. Bless and comfort them, Lord. Amen.

Today, we pray for our mothers

Lord Jesus, today we pray for the woman who gave birth to each one of us and the mother figure in each of our lives. May her every tear, prayer be answered by You, Almighty God, especially the ones for her family. Help us women become good Christian mothers who put you first and family second. May love and only love be our motto always. We pray that we look at our Heavenly Mother Mary and Saint Anne as role models. On a hard day, let us lean completely on You. Help us bring love and light to many. Bless...

Today, we pray for world peace

Lord Jesus, God of love, we pray that Your peace comes into our world. Our world is torn by broken individuals, distant factions and fighting countries. We pray that Your touch heals each one of them. May the love that Your Holy Spirit gives cleanse individuals, faiths, groups. A special prayer for peace and restoration in the Middle East. God bless us all. Amen.

Today, we pray for pregnant women

Lord Jesus, today we bring to Your presence our pregnant wives, sisters, mothers and friends. We pray that theirs wombs, their spouses and babies are blessed. May the men who are to give them much care and love, do so with Your touch. May Your angels, Saint Anne and Mother Mary give them relief from their discomforts. Bless them with safe and happy confinement and smooth labour. Amen.

Today, we pray for those who have left the Church

Lord Jesus, You created the beautiful Catholic and apostolic church to help us worship You unceasingly and with passion, holding fast to our traditions. We ask Your forgiveness for the divisions we have caused to Your body. A special prayer for the ones who have caused the rifts – the dead and the alive. Some of us have already left the fold and many others are dangling. Bring them back Jesus – only You can do that. Help us all come back, in unity and with fervour to our real home church, Lord Jesus. Amen.