Category: Prayers in English

Today, we pray for the wounded

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You the wounded, from all over the world, especially the ones who are sitting all alone, broken. We pray they will turn to You, for a revival of their lives. We pray for healing that is complete – physical and emotional. We pray that Your love will seep through their spirits, souls and bodies, removing every hurt inflicted by people. May they walk into Your arms and walk boldly along hereafter, holding Your hand forever. Amen.

Today, we pray for those who need a spiritual revival

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You individuals, families, churches and organisations that need a spiritual awakening. May your Spirit come into us and fill us with the gifts and fruits needed for growth. May we never slide in our faith. Let our lives shine and shine for You alone first. Amen.

Today, we pray for those on the verge of giving up

Lord Jesus, we bring to You those who have really reached the end of their tether. We pray for those of us who want to give up on our faith, church-going, family life, relationships, work, friendships, ministry and any other task entrusted to us. We lift each one of us today to Your Presence in a special way, for that anointing and grace which only You can give. Send us angels to help us, Lord. When we face harsh judgement, loneliness, illness and rejection, let us know that its not from You, but from the evil one, who can even...

Today, we pray for sick children

Lord Jesus, today we surrender to You babies and children who are suffering and in pain. Heal their emotional and physical wounds, Lord. When they cry out, may Your angels rush to their aid and soothe their brows. Give them the assurance that You are carrying them in Your precious arms. When tears flow, give their families Your strength, love and grace. May no child go to bed feeling despair or suffering tonight. Amen.

Today, we pray for new Christians

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You our dear ones who have come new to the Christian faith. Lord, guide and strengthen them with Your power each step of the way. Help us to truly walk the walk, so that we can be ideal, sincere and honest role models for them. We pray that these brothers and sisters are never so discouraged that they lose hope completely. Bless them and take us all under Your wings. Amen.