Category: Prayers in English

Today, we pray for those who have abandoned their faith

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You Christians who have left Your fold by wilful choice. Lord, we pray for our dear ones who do not want to recognise You or worship You as God. We bring to You their doubts, anxieties, confusion and pain. We trust in Your mercy that they will be brought back and redeemed like pure silver. A prayer also for those of us who are standing by longingly and waiting for their return. Give all of us Your power, grace and strength. Amen.

Today, we pray for our siblings

Lord Jesus, on this day we bring to You our siblings – our own brothers and sisters and those who are siblings to us. We pray that every blessing may be theirs – good health, great family life, proper finances, lovely friendships and all that Your loving heart seems good, Jesus. Thank You Lord, for this indescribable gift of them. A special prayer for those among them who are still unsaved – those who do not believe in You. Amen.