Category: Prayers in English
Lord Jesus, today we entrust to Your Sacred Heart, each person around the world who is struggling to pray. Whether we are unable to pray because of a lack of time or a lack of spiritual intimacy with You, may Your touch heal us all. Fill us with peace from You. May we never give up when our emotions or circumstances tell us that You are not present. May Your angels surround us and nudge us back to You. Amen.
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Lord Jesus, we surrender to You each man, woman and child, who is facing death right now. We pray that Your Spirit strengthens and calms them, when they enter the valley of death. May each one of them receive the grace to know Your presence, the comfort of Your angels, the prayers of Your saints and have a peaceful death. Give Your grace to those who are holding them and grieving, when they cross the barrier. May none of our dear ones die violent or untimely deaths and may we never have to face death in fear or in loneliness,...
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Lord Jesus, today we bring to You our wounds. O God who healed the sick, have mercy on us all. May Your love that surpasses all human understanding fill us, cleanse us and strengthen us. Remove from each one of us any deep inner wounds which we got right from the time we were conceived, up to today. We pray that we can forgive and forget. Help heal the ones we have wounded too, sweet Jesus. Amen
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Lord Jesus, on this day we bring to You the leaders of our churches, countries, organisations and homes. We pray that they are fine men and women who always listen to their conscience and have the guts to obey it, whatever may be the price. May Your Holy Spirit be with them every step of the way, building groups, homes, organisations and people, not breaking them. Bring Your qualities of mercy, justice and honesty into their daily lifestyles. Strengthen and bless those of us who are called to be leaders. Amen.
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Lord Jesus, today we bring to You our brothers and sisters who are mentally unstable. Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name we pray that they will be delivered and saved from destruction. Let schizophrenia, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, fear, psychosis, neurosis, manic depression and all kinds of mental illness be routed from our families and communities. Let them never harm themselves or others. Let them be set free forever from all emotional bondages, forever. Amen.
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