Category: Prayers in English


“You are not judging by God’s standards but by man’s.” –Matthew 16:23 As we write this, the Catholic Church, led by St. Peter’s successor Pope Francis, often seems like a lone voice crying out in the wilderness of the culture of death (see Mt 3:1ff). The Catholic Church has consistently spoken out against the use of contraception, defends marriage as occurring between one man and one woman, defends the poorest of the poor, condemns abortion as murder, and stands against capital punishment and for social justice. Many teachings of the Catholic Church are attacked by the world. In the USA,...


“Lord, if it is really You, tell me to come to You across the water.” –Matthew 14:28 “Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on the water, moving toward Jesus” (Mt 14:29). Peter became afraid and began to sink. After pulling him up, Jesus exclaimed: “How little faith you have!…Why did you falter?” (Mt 14:31) If Jesus was disappointed in Peter’s little faith, what about the faith of those who were still in the boat? If Jesus is displeased with those sinking in the water, what about those who are working their way up to sinking? “When...


“Jesus said to them: ‘There is no need for them to disperse. Give them something to eat yourselves.’ ” –Matthew 14:16 A large crowd, a deserted place, and a shortage of food – Jesus’ disciples recognize that a problem is developing. In fact, they have even worked out a reasonable solution (Mt 14:15). They want Jesus to fix the problem according to their plan. But Jesus has a different approach. He says, “Give them something to eat yourselves” (Mt 14:16). Jesus wants His disciples to fix the problem according to His plan. Jesus’ plan was to multiply loaves and fish...


“Relax! Eat heartily, drink well. Enjoy yourself.” –Luke 12:19 The late Fr. Rick Thomas said that the verse quoted above, Luke 12:19, is the most obeyed verse in the Bible. However, God’s reaction to those who live out this verse is: “You fool! This very night your life shall be required of you. To whom will all this piled-up wealth of yours go?” (Lk 12:20) The Lord does not consider the “good life” of relaxation and enjoyment to be that good. This comes as a shock to us who have been taught to base our lives on, and save our...


“Recall that Herod had had John arrested, put in chains, and imprisoned on account of Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip. That was because John had told him, ‘It is not right for you to live with her.’ ” –Matthew 14:3-4 Jesus commands us to be pure as He is pure (1 Jn 3:3). This means that our standards for purity are not those of the world; they are Jesus’ standards. Jesus, of course, condemns adultery (Mt 14:4), fornication (Rv 21:8), sterilization (see Gn 1:28), contraception, homosexual acts (Rm 1:27), masturbation (see Gn 38:9), pornography, and all other sexual...