Category: Prayers in English


“Blow the trumpet in Zion.” –Joel 2:15 Mass Readings: March 1 First: 2 Kings 5:1-15; Resp: Psalm 42:2-3; 43:3-4; Gospel: Luke 4:24-30 There is a public dimension to Lent. The ashes on our forehead proclaim to the world that we are mortal, that we are sinners in need of God’s mercy, and that we are united with other Catholics. Together all Catholics fast, pray, do penance, and give alms to grow together as a holy people, powerful in intercession. There is a private, interior dimension to Lent. We are to give our lives to the Lord for His own sake,...


“Give to the Most High as He has given to you, generously, according to your means.” –Sirach 35:9 Mass Readings: February 28 First: Exodus 3:1-8,13-15; Resp: Psalm 103:1-4,6-8,11; Second: 1 Corinthians 10:1-6,10-12; Gospel: Luke 13:1-9 God the Father loves us so much that He gave us His Son (Jn 3:16). Jesus said: “There is more happiness in giving than receiving” (Acts 20:35). The Holy Spirit is both the Gift of the Father and the Son and the Giver of gifts (see 1 Cor 12:4ff). The essence of the Triune God is the giving and the gifts. Thus, those baptized into God are re-born...


“You know the commandments.” –Mark 10:19 Mass Readings: February 27 First: Micah 7:14-15,18-20; Resp: Psalm 103:1-4,9-12; Gospel: Luke 15:1-3,11-32 The man in today’s Gospel reading told Jesus that he had kept the commandments since his childhood (Mk 10:20). So Jesus gave him five more commandments: go, sell, give, come, and follow (Mk 10:21). The man refused to obey these commandments. Immediately, his face expressed his rebellion. The verse describing his reaction can be translated: his “face fell” (Mk 10:22). Some of the connotations of the Greek word are: the man glowered; his face became overcast, expressing even tinges of hatred....


“They answered, ‘Moses permitted divorce and the writing of a decree of divorce.’ But Jesus told them: ‘He wrote that commandment for you because of your stubbornness.’ ” –Mark 10:4-5 Mass Readings: February 24 First: Jeremiah 18:18-20;Resp: Psalm 31:5-6,14-16; Gospel: Matthew 20:17-28 Jesus related divorce to stubbornness. Stubbornness in this context could be sin, pride, selfishness, refusal to repent, unforgiveness, contraception, lust, bitterness, resentment, prayerlessness, isolation, etc. When Jesus prohibited divorce, He implied that married couples need no longer be oppressed by stubbornness. The name of Jesus is above stubbornness, sin, pride, etc. (see Phil 2:9) Jesus has set us...


“Everyone will be salted with fire.” –Mark 9:49 Mass Readings: February 23 First: Isaiah 1:10,16-20;Resp: Psalm 50:8-9,16-17,21,23;Gospel: Matthew 23:1-12 Jesus says that you and I “will be salted with fire” (Mk 9:49). The scriptural uses for salt reveal several possible meanings: Salt was used to seal a covenant (2 Chr 13:5; Lv 2:13). We need to continually be sprinkled with the salt of the purifying, refining fire of repentance (Mal 3:2-3) to be faithful to our baptismal covenant with the Lord. Incense was “to be salted and so kept pure and sacred” (Ex 30:35). Incense represents our prayers (Rv 5:8;...