Category: Prayers in English


“Hezekiah took the letter from the hand of the messengers and read it; then he went up to the temple of the Lord, and spreading it out before Him, he prayed in the Lord’s presence.” –2 Kings 19:14-15 King Hezekiah received a letter from Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, threatening the total destruction of Judah if Hezekiah did not unconditionally surrender. Many of us have also received letters, faxes, e-mail, text messages, or memos containing devastating news. Some have received letters from attorneys in which their spouses have announced that they are suing for divorce. Many have received forms from...


“If you want to avoid judgment…” –Matthew 7:1 “If you want to avoid judgment, stop passing judgment” on others’ character and motives (Mt 7:1). If we judge others’ character and motives, we will have the same verdict passed on us (Mt 7:2). “If you want to avoid judgment,” repent of your own sins, and then help others repent (Mt 7:5). If we want to avoid judgment, we must forgive those who have sinned against us. Otherwise, we will not be forgiven (Mt 6:15), and we will be in no position to help others reconcile to the Lord. In summary, to...


“[John] made his public appearance in Israel.” –Luke 1:80 At a recent Mass, the priest revealed his dream during the homily. He wants to see an annual award, called the St. John the Baptist Courage Award. He envisioned that it would be awarded to that Catholic bishop who has most courageously spoken out for the cause of pro-life. The “trophy” would be a silver platter, symbolizing both the courage St. John the Baptist displayed in continuously speaking out against Herod’s public adultery (Mk 6:18) and his resulting imprisonment and execution (Mk 6:28). Such an award would be yet another encouragement...


“Stop worrying, then, over questions like, ‘What are we to eat, or what are we to drink, or what are we to wear?’ ” –Matthew 6:31 Many people today are learning about stress management. The Lord wants to do better than that. He teaches us stress banishment. He commands us: “Do not worry about your livelihood, what you are to eat or drink or use for clothing” (Mt 6:25, 31). Jesus questions us: “Which of you by worrying can add a moment to his life-span?” (Mt 6:27) He commands us again: “Enough, then, of worrying about tomorrow” (Mt 6:34). How...


When Athaliah, the mother of Ahaziah, saw that her son was dead, she began to kill off the whole royal family.” –2 Kings 11:1 Athaliah, the queen mother, massacred the rest of the royal family so she could take over the kingdom of Judah. Seven years later, she was dethroned and killed. This victory of justice was achieved by God’s grace through four people or groups of people: Jehosheba risked her life to rescue a baby, her nephew, Joash, the rightful king (2 Kgs 11:2). Others risked their lives daily for seven years by secretly caring for Joash (2 Kgs...