Category: Prayers in English


“They were overjoyed at seeing the star, and on entering the house, found the Child with Mary His mother.” –Matthew 2:10-11 The wise men found the infant Jesus in a house some days after Jesus had been born in a stable. Their coming may have occurred around the days of Jesus’ Presentation in the Temple forty days after His birth when Simeon prophesied that Jesus was both “a revealing Light to the Gentiles” and “a Sign of contradiction” (Lk 2:32, 34, our transl). Possibly the wise men were wise because they did not contradict Jesus, a Sign of contradiction. Because...


“That we have passed from death to life we know because we love the brothers. The man who does not love is among the living dead.” –1 John 3:14 The Christmas scene is a picture of utter rejection. Why is this Baby being born in a stable? Doesn’t anyone care? Even if there’s no room in the inn, there must be room in someone’s heart. Mary was obviously pregnant and going into labor. Didn’t anyone care? From the very beginning, the Christ Child is a sign of contradiction (Lk 2:34). “To His own He came, yet His own did not...


“Where do You stay?” –John 1:38 Two disciples of St. John the Baptist were following Jesus, but at a distance. This is often the way Christians follow Jesus. We try to do God’s will for the most part, but intentionally keep Jesus more than “arm’s length” away. We don’t let Him get close to us. However, Jesus will turn around and challenge us by asking: “What are you looking for?” (Jn 1:38) If we truthfully answer Jesus’ question, we may have to say that we’re looking for blessings, security, or peace of mind, although we should say we’re looking for...


“The reason the world does not recognize us is that it never recognized the Son.” –1 John 3:1, NAB If we don’t recognize Christ, we don’t recognize Christians, Christmas, and other dimensions of Christianity. If we don’t recognize Christ, we don’t recognize the only Way to God the Father and Truth Himself (Jn 14:6). Thus we would deprive ourselves of Life (Jn 14:6). Yet, we have difficulty recognizing Christ. Even St. John the Baptist, whose purpose in life was to prepare for Christ’s coming, did not recognize Christ for some time (Jn 1:31, 33). How then can we recognize Christ,...


“Remain in [Jesus].” –1 John 2:27 During Advent, we opened our hearts to be ready to receive Jesus. We grew ever closer to Him. After the world-changing, calendar-defining, cosmos-altering birth of Jesus, we flocked to Church to receive Jesus in a deeper way at Christmas. Now it is more than a week past Christmas. Numerous people are packing away the ornaments and taking down the Christmas tree, even though the Christmas season still has another week liturgically. Today’s first reading from 1 John challenges us to “remain in” Jesus (1 Jn 2:27) rather than packing Him away until next Advent....