Category: Prayers in English


“If any place will not receive you or hear you, shake its dust from your feet in testimony against them as you leave.” –Mark 6:11 “The love of Christ impels us” (2 Cor 5:14) to share the Good News of Jesus. Some people accept Him while others reject Him. When Jesus is rejected by those with whom we share the Gospel, we tend to take it personally. We feel rejected, disrespected, and unjustly treated. We must then shake off this grime and dirt of rejection, or we will become encrusted with bitterness. We shake off the dust by accepting the...


“At this they began to ridicule Him. Then He put them all out. Jesus took the child’s father and mother and His own companions and entered the room where the child lay.” –Mark 5:40 The family and friends of Jairus who had gathered to mourn this young girl’s death thought nothing more could be done. Perhaps they had heard of other healings worked at the hands of this itinerant Preacher, but when Jesus told them she was not dead they ridiculed Him (Mk 5:39-40). They thought their situation was too much for Jesus to handle. What situation are you facing...


“The herd of about two thousand [swine] went rushing down the bluff into the lake, where they began to drown.” –Mark 5:13 Jesus takes away the sins of the world (Jn 1:29). When He takes them away, He “will cast into the depths of the sea all our sins” (Mi 7:19). Jesus takes away your sins and dumps them into the ocean.Those sins fall thousands of feet to the depths of the sea, to remain there forever. No one can retrieve them. They are gone forever, and you are free. In case you should even want to get those sins...


“There are in the end three things that last: faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is love.” –1 Corinthians 13:13 Life is simple. The meaning of life is love, for God is Love (1 Jn 4:16). All we have to do is to love God with all our hearts (Dt 6:5), love ourselves (Mt 22:39), and love our neighbors (Mt 22:39). God is easy to love sometimes (see Lk 4:22). But then He speaks the truth in love (see Eph 4:15), and we desire to throw Him over a cliff (Lk 4:29-30). Moreover, we live in the...


“My eyes have witnessed Your saving Deed displayed for all the peoples to see: a revealing Light to the Gentiles.” –Luke 2:30-32 Jesus is the Light of the world (see Lk 2:32; Jn 8:12). “He is like the refiner’s fire” (Mal 3:2). He is “a consuming Fire” (Heb 12:29). We are like candles. We give light (Mt 5:14) only through being consumed by God’s love. The Lord is lighting several people now with priestly and religious vocations. If you let the Lord light the candle of your life, your light will shine very brightly. Through your vocation as a priest,...