Category: Prayers in English


“God has visited His people.” —Luke 7:16 In yesterday’s Gospel reading, Jesus healed by responding to the centurion’s request made in faith. In today’s Gospel, Jesus takes the initiative to heal. No one requested healing from Him; no one seemed aware of His presence until He stepped forward to raise the dead man (Lk 7:12ff). It is Jesus’ nature to heal, to take initiative, to visit His people. The people of Naim spoke rightly when they said that “God has visited His people” (Lk 7:16). The Son of God came down from heaven to earth to bless, heal, deliver, and...


“In every place the men shall offer prayers with blameless hands held aloft.” —1 Timothy 2:8 “Hear the sound of my pleading, when I cry to You, lifting up my hands toward Your holy shrine.” —Psalm 28:2 When a police officer arrests someone, he or she often commands the suspect to put their hands up. Uplifted hands are a sign of surrender. In our relationship with God, uplifted hands likewise are a sign of surrender. Humble surrender is the perfect posture before God for prayer and petition (Ps 141:2; 2 Mc 3:20). At Mass, the priest often raises his hands...


“He humbled Himself, obediently accepting even death, death on a cross!” —Philippians 2:8 Jesus began the day of His death on the cross by celebrating the first Mass. The Mass makes present the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1366). “In this divine sacrifice which is celebrated in the Mass, the same Christ Who offered Himself once in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross is contained and is offered in an unbloody manner” (Catechism, 1367). Consequently, those who adore Christ crucified and “take up His cross each day” (Lk 9:23) are called...


“…Timothy, my own true child in faith.” —1 Timothy 1:2 What does it take to make disciples? It takes a spiritual marriage, a pregnancy, labor and delivery, and nurturing. Marriage – St. Paul said “I do” to Jesus and was baptized (Acts 9:18). He lived not for himself but out of love for the Lord (see 2 Cor 5:14-15). Pregnancy – St. Paul spent his life birthing communities (see Gal 4:19). Like a mother, he carried, fed, and nourished them at the expense of his own health. He shielded them by taking the attacks of the evil one upon himself....


“To you who hear Me, I say: love your enemies.” —Luke 6:27 What if your family was a victim of a terrorist attack? What if someone robbed and beat you? Jesus tells us to treat terrorists, murderers, rapists, and robbers in a certain way. Jesus commands us to: love our enemies (Lk 6:27), “do good to those who hate” us (Lk 6:27), “bless those who curse” us (Lk 6:28), “pray for those who maltreat” us (Lk 6:28), even remain vulnerable to our enemies (Lk 6:29), give to them (Lk 6:30), do to them as we would have them do to...