Category: Prayers in English


“Zeal for Your house consumes Me.” —John 2:17 Today we celebrate the anniversary of the dedication of the Cathedral Church of the Pope. Why do we celebrate our unity with the Pope and his church? It is because our unity with the Pope gives us strength and power. Those united to the Pope have an anointing from God that cannot be obtained any other way. Furthermore, our unity with the Pope protects us from deception and confusion. This will become even more significant as we near the mass apostasy at the end of the world (2 Thes 2:3). In His...


“If anyone comes to Me without turning his back on his father and mother, his wife and his children, his brothers and sisters, indeed his very self, he cannot be My follower.” —Luke 14:26 To be a disciple of Jesus is the most radical commitment. The relationship of Jesus’ disciples with Him is in a class by itself. In comparison with our love for Jesus, all other loves seem as hatred. Our relationship with Jesus is to be supreme. It is more important than our lives. We will gladly carry daily crosses to be faithful as Jesus’ disciples (Lk 14:27;...


“Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them.” —Romans 12:6, RNAB The Lord has given His children great gifts. Among the greatest of these gifts are charisms, the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit. We have gifts of prophecy, faith, ministry, teaching, exhortation, almsgiving, leadership, and mercy (Rm 12:6-8). None of us has all these gifts, but we have many of them — in addition to many other charisms. By the development and use of these gifts of the Spirit, we will have the power to do even greater works than...


“You should be pleased that they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid in the resurrection of the just.” —Luke 14:14 Jesus is not against our being repaid for the good we do. His concern is when we will be repaid and by whom. God the Father plans to personally repay us at our resurrection (Lk 14:14). Upon reading this, we might feel like God has paid for our service by using a layaway plan! Will our payment ever come? In His love, God does repay us to a certain extent during our time on earth. He begins His...


“You have mercy on all, because You can do all things; and You overlook the sins of men that they may repent.” —Wisdom 11:23 Before we sin, the devil tells us that sin is “no big deal,” life is trivial, and guilt is an unnecessary hang-up. After we sin, the devil changes his tune and then tells us that we should be ashamed of ourselves, that we are monsters and perverts, and that we can’t expect to be forgiven. In contrast, the Lord tells us of His mercy. Paul proclaimed: “You can depend on this as worthy of full acceptance:...