Category: Prayers in English


“You must reform and be baptized.” —Acts 2:38 Peter, on whom “tongues as of fire” had just descended (see Acts 2:3), preached at the first Christian Pentecost. In the power of the Holy Spirit, Peter witnessed for the crucified and risen Christ. Peter invited the thousands of people who heard his message to receive the Holy Spirit by being baptized. “Those who accepted his message were baptized; some three thousand were added that day” (Acts 2:41). Philip was sent by the Holy Spirit to proclaim Jesus to the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:29, 35). Then “Philip went down into the water...


“Peter first made everyone go outside; then he knelt down and prayed.” —Acts 9:40 Simon Peter was forgiven his three denials of Christ, met the risen Lord, and was filled with the Holy Spirit. He became a new man. The Lord used him to convert three thousand on the first Pentecost (Acts 2:41). He healed hundreds just by his shadow (Acts 5:15-16). He raised up Aeneas, who was a paralytic for eight years (Acts 9:33). God still had more for Simon Peter, much more. He was invited to Joppa. The invitation simply reads: “Please come over to us without delay”...


“Saul, still breathing murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples, went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus which would empower him to arrest and bring to Jerusalem anyone he might find, man or woman, living according to the new way.” —Acts 9:1-2 As Saul was cruising on the road to Damascus, he was likely thinking of his return trip when he would be moving a chain gang of Christians on that same Damascus road. Saul reacted to being an accomplice to the murder of Stephen by violently trying to justify his murderous sinfulness....


“The Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away.” —Acts 8:39 Jesus’ last words before He ascended into heaven were: “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes down on you; then you are to be My witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, yes, even to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). Philip, the deacon and evangelist (see Acts 21:8), may have been the first person to fulfill the promise and command of Jesus to be His witness to the ends of the earth. Philip was instrumental in reaching Ethiopia with the Gospel. He did this by converting...


“Philip, for example, went down to the town of Samaria and there proclaimed the Messiah.” —Acts 8:5 Philip, the deacon, was a witness for the risen Jesus no matter where he was. He witnessed in Jerusalem and even in Samaria. Philip witnessed to Simon the Magician (Acts 8:13), the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:35), and his four daughters who became prophetesses (Acts 21:8-9). He witnessed at home, in Jerusalem, in Samaria, and then in the Ethiopian’s chariot on “the road which goes from Jerusalem to Gaza, the desert route” (Acts 8:26). Then the Spirit “snatched Philip away” (Acts 8:39). “Philip found...