Category: Prayers in English


“They have forsaken Me, the Source of living waters; they have dug themselves cisterns, broken cisterns, that hold no water.” –Jeremiah 2:13 Does your life hold water — the living waters of God’s grace, Baptism, and the Holy Spirit? The patterns that we develop in our lives can be likened to digging cisterns (see Jer 2:13). These patterns will either help us retain and grow in our faith or contribute to an erosion and loss of our faith. For instance, a cistern, or way of life, in which God’s Word is not taken authoritatively will usually not hold water for...


“Show us wonderful signs.” –Micah 7:15 The Lord is all-powerful and all-knowing. Therefore, He is never at a loss, never surprised, and never on the defensive. Logically, the all-powerful, all-knowing Lord must always be on the offensive. Therefore, events opposed to God’s will are necessarily defensive maneuvers by Satan and those he is using. For example, the terrorists’ attacks on September 11, 2001, were in opposition to the Lord’s work of salvation. We naturally wonder what the Lord was and is doing that would be such a threat to the evil one. Why did Satan react so violently? Of course,...


“You hate discipline.” –Psalm 50:17 This is the fourth time in three weeks the Church has proclaimed to us the words: “You hate discipline.” We live in a pleasure-seeking, play today, pay tomorrow society. So many in our society are unable to exercise discipline in the areas of sexual self-control, financial restraint, and diet. We are not disciplined in taking custody of our eyes (Jb 31:1), our thoughts and fantasies (2 Cor 10:5), what our mouths say (Jas 3:5ff), and what we eat (Phil 3:19). Yet these are only symptoms of a greater hate of discipline and lack of discipline....


“You gave Your sons good ground for hope.” —Wisdom 12:19 Before we totally committed our lives to Jesus, we walked in the valley of hopelessness. Life in general seemed hopeless. To cope with this, we would retreat to what we thought were bastions of hope — our children, work, marriages, or a special activity. These rays of hope usually dimmed. So we tried to constantly distract ourselves or alter our consciousness to ignore the gnawing and sometimes savage hopelessness within us. When we saw someone hopeful, we were either cynical or wanted to ask him to defend his hope (1...


“When the Pharisees were outside they began to plot against [Jesus] to find a way to destroy Him. Jesus was aware of this, and so He withdrew from that place.” —Matthew 12:14-15 The popular poem, “Footsteps,” expresses the anguish of the psalmist: “Why, O Lord, do You stand aloof? Why hide in times of distress?” (Ps 10:1) We look to God for help, and He seems to withdraw from us (see Mt 12:15). We are oppressed and in dire straits, and cry out to God for aid. Yet instead of strong action, God seems to do nothing and things get...