Category: Prayers in English


“They began to gather in great numbers. There was no longer any room for them, even around the door.” —Mark 2:2 In the Gospels, especially in Mark’s Gospel, we read about Jesus being surrounded by such large crowds that it was almost impossible to approach Him. Consequently, some people thought up various ways to get through, around, or over the crowds. They stepped on one another (Lk 12:1), pushed each other (Mk 3:10), climbed a tree (Lk 19:4), and even made a hole in the roof of the house where Jesus was staying (Mk 2:4). There can often be major...


“ ‘Not a word to anyone, now,’ He said. ‘Go off and present yourself to the priest.’ ” —Mark 1:44 The leper in today’s Gospel wanted social acceptance. Jesus offered this social acceptance by commanding him to show himself to the priests (Mk 1:44). Thus healed by Jesus and pronounced clean by the priests, the leper could fully and officially integrate himself back into Jewish society. Yet he apparently wanted to establish his own social acceptance, and so he disobeyed Jesus’ command by publicizing “the whole matter” and “making the story public” (Mk 1:45). Jesus offered a superior social acceptance...


“Before long the whole town was gathered outside the door.” —Mark 1:33 Capernaum was like most towns. Many of its people “through fear of death had been slaves their whole life long” (Heb 2:15). Of course, there were many “who were variously afflicted” (Mk 1:34), including Simon’s mother-in-law who “lay ill with a fever” (Mk 1:30). Also, demons had oppressed the people of Capernaum for as long as anyone could remember (see Mk 1:34). However, this day was going to be different. Jesus came to town and demons, sickness, and fear left town. This was the best day in Capernaum’s...


“There appeared in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit that shrieked.” —Mark 1:23 As we begin “ordinary” time, we are already reading about Jesus driving out demons (Mk 1:25-26). Throughout the year, we will hear reading after reading about the Lord’s victory over the evil one. We will meet St. Michael the archangel and several saints, who were each victorious over the evil one. At the Masses on Easter Sunday, in every Catholic church in the world, the Church will invite us to publicly renounce Satan, all his works, and all his empty promises. What are we to...


“…beginning in Galilee with the baptism…” —Acts 10:37 Jesus’ Baptism is narrated in all four Gospels, indicating how important it is (Mt 3:13-17; Mk 1:9-11; Lk 3:21-22; Jn 1:29-34). Jesus voluntarily submitted Himself to St. John’s baptism of repentance, even though He had no need to repent of any sin. He was baptized to fulfill all righteousness (Mt 3:15). This is why Jesus came to earth. Jesus submitted to Baptism for each one of us. His Baptism is a manifestation of His self-emptying (see Phil 2:7). Jesus’ entire ministry is one of giving Himself completely, to the last breath and...