Category: Prayers in English


“After sunset, as evening drew on, they brought Him all who were ill, and those possessed by demons. Before long the whole town was gathered outside the door.” –Mark 1:32-33 Job faced reality head on and declared: “Life on earth” is “a drudgery” (Jb 7:1). He described life as being “assigned months of misery” (Jb 7:3). Nights are long; days are short (Jb 7:4, 6) and, when we reach the end of them, we are without hope (Jb 7:6). The only Answer to the drudgery of human existence is Jesus. Jesus is the only Hope for humanity, but the only...


“Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over you as men who must render an account. So act that they may fulfill their task with joy, not with sorrow, for that would be harmful to you.” –Hebrews 13:17 At this morning’s Mass, I am seated next to the Head Director of Presentation Ministries. When I heard the above passage proclaimed by the lector, my heart went out to my brother in Christ. He pours out his heart and his life to lead all of us. He and I also happen to belong to the same home-based...


“With that they went off, preaching the need of repentance. They expelled many demons, anointed the sick with oil, and worked many cures.” —Mark 6:12-13 Many Christians have accepted Jesus as Lord, been converted, and even have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. Yet still the great harvest has few workers (Lk 10:2). Few make the transition from basic Christian commitment to ministry. What’s our problem? After Jesus summoned and sent forth the apostles with “authority over unclean spirits” (Mk 6:7), “He instructed them to take nothing on their journey” (Mk 6:8). He even enumerated “no food, no traveling bag,...


“…so much did their lack of faith distress Him.” –Mark 6:6 Jesus was amazed at the Syro-Phoenician woman’s faith (Mt 15:28). He was amazed at the centurion’s faith (Mt 8:10). He was amazed at the lack of faith of the people of Nazareth (see Mk 6:6).How do we get amazing faith? 1) We must ask God for it. Faith is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22). 2) We must accept the discipline of the Lord (Heb 12:5ff). That in itself gives evidence of our faith. By humbling ourselves and changing our lifestyles to obey the Lord’s commands, we show...


“[Anna] talked about the Child to all.” –Luke 2:38 The Baby Jesus could not speak for Himself at His Presentation in the Temple, for He was only forty days old. Others, however, spoke for Him. Joseph and Mary would have spoken to the temple officials as His parents, Simeon (Lk 2:29ff) and Anna (Lk 2:38) prophesied for Him. It’s still like this today. Though the Baby Jesus did grow up and speak eloquently about the Kingdom of God, many are unable to hear Him. That’s why God has sent us. There are many who need to hear about this Child....