Category: Prayers in English


“Coming to his senses at last” –Luke 15:17 Jesus mentions that the prodigal son came “to his senses at last” when his situation reached its lowest point. Jesus also forgave His persecutors from the cross, saying “Father, forgive them; they do not know what they are doing” (Lk 23:34). Through these two passages, Jesus is teaching us that it is quite possible that those who trespass against us might not be in their right mind. Jesus pleads with His heavenly Father to forgive His tormentors because of this very reason. He sees the best in each person and asks the...


“Let us sell him to these Ishmaelites, instead of doing away with him ourselves. After all, he is our brother, our own flesh. His brothers agreed.” –Genesis 37:27 To Joseph’s brothers, brotherhood meant not killing their brother but selling him. We Christians are brothers and sisters with one another. At Mass, we are repeatedly addressed as brothers and sisters. Does brotherhood and sisterhood mean more to us than it did to Joseph’s brothers? Brotherhood and sisterhood should mean that: We are one as Jesus and the Father are one (Jn 17:21). “If one member suffers, all the members suffer with...


“Abraham said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not be convinced even if one should rise from the dead.’ ” –Luke 16:31 The words of Moses and the prophets, that is, the Scriptures, are more convincing than the words of a person raised from the dead. Therefore, when Jesus rose from the dead, He did not say that He was risen. Rather, a few hours after His Resurrection, He began “with Moses and all the prophets” and “interpreted for them every passage of Scripture which referred to Him” (Lk 24:27). Then, in...


“Let us carefully note his every word.” –Jeremiah 18:18 Even during Lent, we can carefully note God’s every word for the wrong reasons — not for serving God, but for selfish motives. The enemies of Jeremiah paid close attention to his words — not to be changed by them but to find a means to destroy him. Likewise, Jesus’ enemies paid close attention to His words — not to be transformed by His words, but to find “a means to destroy Him.” It’s all in the wanting, in our desires. Jesus Himself asks us: “What is it you want?” (Mt...


“Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled, but whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.” –Matthew 23:12 It’s March, and in the USA college basketball tournaments, known fondly as “March Madness,” are in full swing. Hundreds of athletes have trained diligently for months and are competing for the chance to be exalted as “Number One.” An athlete practices to make his or her vertical jump higher and jump shot more accurate. We disciples of Jesus, however, must train ourselves to grow in humility much more diligently than any athlete trains to win a tournament. “Athletes deny themselves all sorts of things” to...