Category: Prayers in English


“There was a man whose right hand was withered.” –Luke 6:6 In the ancient world, a person’s right hand carried a special dignity. It was used to confer a permanent blessing (Gn 48:13-18). A king held his staff in his right hand (see Mt 27:29), and a priest’s right hand was consecrated (Ex 29:20). A thief’s right hand was cut off, thus perpetually reducing his status in society. People shook their right hands to complete a transaction, thereby giving their right hand the power to uphold their word. The right hand of God also carries a special dignity and power...


“Say to those whose hearts are frightened: Be strong, fear not!” —Isaiah 35:4 When you see a frightened child, your heart goes out to him or her with compassion. This is a shadow of our heavenly Father’s love poured out on those struggling and fearful. “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; and those who are crushed in spirit He saves” (Ps 34:19). He wants to free you from the slavery of fear (Heb 2:14-15) and give you a peace beyond understanding (Phil 4:7). “Is it possible that He Who did not spare His own Son but handed Him over...


“You nourished hostility in your hearts because of your evil deeds.” —Colossians 1:21 Very few people admit they have hatred in their hearts. Even fewer admit they actually nourish hatred. Hatred is widespread, even epidemic, yet we refuse to admit our hatred. Only in Jesus can the barrier of hostility be broken down (Eph 2:14). It’s natural for us to be angry and unforgiving and resentful. “To err is human, to forgive divine,” and we’re not divine. We can never love one another by “human good will,” but only in Christ and by His power. Let’s admit we can’t save...


Jesus “stood over her and addressed Himself to the fever, and it left her. She got up immediately and waited on them.” —Luke 4:39 Jesus heals the sick not only from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, schizophrenia, arthritis, etc., but He also heals for evangelization and ministry. In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus healed Simon’s mother-in-law from a fever and for immediate service (Lk 4:39). However, many sick people, like healthy people, are not that interested in evangelization and ministry. They just want to get better and leave it at that. They are probably willing to do a few good deeds, but...


“God has not destined us for wrath but for acquiring salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.” –1 Thessalonians 5:9 God is perfectly just. Therefore, the unjust must be punished. We all have sinned and been unjust. Therefore, we all deserve God’s punishment and wrath (see Eph 2:3). Yet we can “flee from the wrath to come” (Mt 3:7) by being baptized into Jesus’ justifying death and by living our Baptisms. Thus, we accept that Jesus on Calvary took our punishment on Himself. “Now that we have been justified by His blood, it is all the more certain that we shall...