Category: Prayers

Today, we pray for a passionate love for the Eucharist

Lord Jesus, You gave us Your self in the Eucharist. We pray that the human race is truly grateful for You. Have mercy and convict the ones who commit sins against the Eucharist. May each one of us receive You with an awe that You deserve and more. Teach us to truly adore and rejoice in this beautiful expression of Your love. Amen.

Today, we pray for leaders

Lord Jesus, on this day we bring to You leaders of our churches, countries, organisations and homes. We pray that they are fine men and women who always listen to their conscience and have the guts to obey it, whatever may be the price. May Your Holy Spirit be with them every step of the way, building groups and people, not breaking them. Bring Your qualities of mercy, justice and honesty into their daily lifestyles. Strengthen those of us who are called to be leaders. Amen.

Today, we pray for the weary

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You the weary ones – the ones tired of waiting for an answer to their prayers, a fulfillment of their greatest dreams and a breakthrough from the mundane. We pray that Your Holy Spirit will comfort and enrich their subconscious tonight and give them the lift they so badly need. Assure them that all is well. Let the floodgates of heaven open and rain God’s favour on them. In Jesus’ name.

Today, we pray for the brokenhearted

Lord Jesus, we surrender to You those of us who are brokenhearted right now. Grief, illness, loneliness, death, illtreatment, abuse, crisis, lack of spiritual nurturing – all these have left the human race broken and bruised. Only You can heal and repair our crushed spirits now, Jesus. We pray that Your Spirit will touch us and make us whole again. Let our lives become testimonies of Your love and the love of Christians around us, once again. Amen.

Pennies from Heaven

A woman of modest means and her husband were invited to spend the weekend at the husband’s employer’s home. The boss was very wealthy, with an estate home and several cars costing more than the average house. The woman delighted to experience first hand the life of the extremely wealthy. The boss indulged his guests both at home on his estate as well as out as exclusive dining establishments. On one occasion as they were about to enter an exclusive restaurant, the boss was walking slightly ahead of them. He stopped suddenly, looking down on the pavement for a long,...