Category: Prayers

Today, we pray for new beginnings

Lord Jesus, on this day we bring to You each one of us and our brothers and sisters who are awaiting new beginnings. We pray that all of us are blessed mightily with breakthroughs – in our spiritual walk, family life, finances, careers, health, answers to long lost prayers and anything we may need it for – in life. Return everything the devil has stolen. We pray that a fresh start would come, timely and overwhelming as we are at the next bend in our road. Amen.

Today, we pray for ‘pretend Christians’

Lord Jesus, today we bring to the foot of Your cross all those are putting up a show of piety. Lord, when You walked the earth, You hated hypocrisy and called it the yeast of the Pharisees. We pray that You cleanse Your church and its people of any trace of power abuse, greed, hypocrisy, deception and lies. Tear down the walls of evil – anything that fights Your rule of loving You and our neighbour. Make us know that the punishment for deceivers will be great from a God who abhors shams. Let true repentance happen and let us...

Today, we pray for those far away from God

Lord Jesus, there are many in this world who are far away from You. They have over the years forgotten Your providence and have seen the gifts You have given them as being far more superior than You. They have trusted more in themselves and in the world than they have in You. We pray that You will show Your mercy upon their souls. May they learn to refocus right now and find You as their Lord and Saviour. Amen

Today, we pray for those far away from God

Lord Jesus, there are many in this world who are far away from You. They have over the years forgotten Your providence and have seen the gifts You have given them as being far more superior than You. They have trusted more in themselves and in the world than they have in You. We pray that You will show Your mercy upon their souls. May they learn to refocus right now and find You as their Lord and Saviour. Amen

Today, we pray for the lonely

Lord Jesus, there is no sickness as painful as loneliness, the first thing Your eyes deemed as no good. Today there are many people who are lonely and sad. Though they might have many material comforts, they struggle because of the pain of loneliness. Send angels in the form of people around them, who would be there for these lonely ones. May they experience the joy and security of having around them, someone who genuinely cares for them. Amen