Category: Prayers

Today, we pray for the unemployed

Lord Jesus, today we pray for those who are longing for a job. We pray that our unemployed brothers and sisters will pray and seek Your will when they apply for jobs. May they never lose hope when a rejection comes. May they have the will and the grace from You to try and try again without giving up and losing faith. Provide them and their families with finances for their daily needs. Tell them every day what should be done with their time, their lives. Amen.

Today, we pray for those facing death

Lord Jesus, we surrender to You each man, woman and child, who is facing death today. We pray that Your Spirit strengthens and calms them, when they enter the valley of death. May each one of them receive the grace to know Your presence, the comfort of Your angels and have a peaceful death. Give Your grace to those who are holding them and grieving, when they cross the barrier. May none of our dear ones die violent or untimely deaths and may we never have to face death in fear or in loneliness, without someone holding our hands. Give...

Today, we pray for those longing to return to You

Lord Jesus, our Saviour, today we pray for those of our brethren who are longing to come back to You and to the church. Lord, only You know what is stopping them – their challenges, confusions and struggles. We pray that You send angels into their lives – strong Christian men and women who can bring them back. We pray that when they return, they return with fervour and lifelong dedication, never to go away or astray again. Bless also the ones who are standing by and waiting – the family and friends praying ceaselessly for their return. Amen.

Today, we pray for our children’s faith

Lord Jesus, we pray today for little children who are struggling to understand You and Your handiwork – in our tough, unfair world. We pray that our children are touched by Your Holy Spirit, so that they understand how to obey and honour You even when life gives them tough knocks. Be with them every moment and send Your angels to aid them when they are in emotional, physical or spiritual danger. May they become real children of Your light. Amen.

Today, we pray for our protection

Lord Jesus, today we pray for protection – from evil, strife, bad habits and any vile attacks of Satan. Lord, we want to live glorifying Your name. Sometimes, we build up shackles which destroy us, instead of keeping us safe. Protect us – from this moment, in a very special way, Lord Jesus. Send Your angels to stand guard over us and our own. More than anything, keep us away from anything that hinders us from loving You and loving our brethren. Amen.