Category: Prayers

Today, we pray for those who have left the Church

Lord Jesus, You created the Catholic and apostolic church to help us worship You unceasingly and with passion, holding fast to our traditions. We ask Your forgiveness for the divisions we have caused to Your body. A special prayer for the ones who have caused the rifts – the dead and the alive. Some of us have already left the fold and many others are dangling. Bring them back Jesus – only You can do that. Help us all come back, in unity and with fervour to one home church, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Today, we pray for the bedridden

Lord Jesus. today we bring to the foot of Your cross all our brothers and sisters who are tied to their beds. We pray that Your Holy Spirit brings strength back to their limbs and they rise and walk. We believe that by Your stripes they are healed. Lord, help us in our unbelief any time we waver. We also pray for the ones waiting on these friends, that they may get Your courage to serve better and serve in love. Be with them in their low points and highs. Amen.

Today, we pray for the elderly

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You the oldest members of our families and society. We pray that Your presence comforts them in their loneliness. Keep them focused on You, rather than on their aches and anxieties. We pray specially for those who are living alone. Watch over our parents and grandparents, Oh Jesus. May they have angels for their aid whenever they are alone. Help us too to serve them well, all their lives. Amen

Today, we pray for everyone who has asked us for prayers

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You people who have requested our prayer support. The friend, the member of the family, the acquaintance, the colleague, the neighbour and the stranger – we bring them all to the foot of Your cross today, seeking that Your Holy Spirit will touch them, heal their hearts and refresh their spirits. Lord, sometimes we promise, yet we forget to pray. May each promise turn into a prayer right then, before Your eyes. Meet their needs today, Lord. May no prayer return unanswered. Bless them and their own. Thank You for giving us an opportunity...