Category: Prayers

Today, we pray for the weary

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You the weary ones – the ones tired of waiting for an answer to their prayers, a fulfilment of their greatest dreams and a breakthrough from the mundane. We pray that Your Holy Spirit will comfort and enrich their subconscious tonight and give them the lift they so badly need. Assure them that all is well. Let doors open in Your Holy Name, Jesus Christ. Let us rejoice in the miracles we have hoped for. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Today, we pray for the judged

Lord Jesus, we bring to Your Cross those who are judged the harshest by each one of us, the Pharisees of today. The teen with the tattoo, the intruding relative, the sulky colleague, the temperamental boss, the whining elder, the insensitive partner, the friend who wounded, the alcoholic neighbour, the gossipy stranger and many more faces we meet daily…may we see them as You see them, holy and perfect creations living in an imperfect world. Let us not judge, lest we be judged by You. Forgive and heal us, each time before we even think of lifting our fingers to...

Today, we pray for the mentally ill

Lord Jesus, today we bring to You our brothers and sisters who are mentally unstable. Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name we pray that they will be delivered and saved from destruction. Let schizophrenia, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, fear, psychosis, neurosis, manic depression and all kinds of mental illness be routed from our families and communities. Let them never harm themselves or others. Let them be set free forever from all emotional bondages, forever. Amen.

Today, we pray for the unemployed

Lord Jesus, today we pray for those who are longing for a job. We pray that these brothers and sisters will have the grace to pray and seek Your will when they apply for jobs. May they never lose hope when a rejection comes. May they have the will and the grace from You to try and try again without giving up. Provide them and their families with finances for their daily needs. Tell them every day what should be done with their time, their lives. Amen.

Today, we pray for those who have left the church

Lord Jesus, today we surrender to You those among us who have left the church, especially the ones who left because of our judgmental attitude, rifts, wounds and struggles within the church. Lord, we Christians ask your forgiveness that we have been at times like the Pharisees of Your times, turning people away with our self-righteousness. We pray that with the power and grace of God, all hurts are washed away by Your precious blood. May their children, not experience the hatred and slander. Bind us all together with the eternal cords of Your love. Amen.